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Montserrat Citizenship By Investment

Montserrat Citizenship By Investment

Montserrat, one of the fourteen british overseas territories in the Caribbean explored the idea of Economic citizenship scheme in 2015 to bring economic developments in to the country with only 4500 people living in the island. The country struggling to revive economy with GDP of only $63 million,  one of the lowest in the world.  In 1995, the dormant Soufrière Hills…

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Why are diplomatic passports weaker than ordinary passports?

Why are diplomatic passports weaker than ordinary passports?

Many wrongly assume diplomatic passports are given to important government officials automatically come with diplomatic immunity. This is simply NOT true.  This is because of the limited understanding on the diplomatic rules and engagement. One must clearly understand that diplomatic passports do not come with automatic diplomatic immunity. Only certain class of diplomats receive this benefit. The diplomatic immunity is…

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Ordinary vs Discrete Naturalization

Ordinary vs Discrete Naturalization

Naturalisation refers to the range of procedures to grant citizenship of a given country to a foreign national on the basis of the notion of the individual’s ‘genuine link’ or ‘genuine connection with the state. Naturalized citizens are also dual nationals but depends on the state  if dual nationality is permitted or not. There are three types of naturalization that…

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Slovakia Citizenship by Investment

Slovakia Citizenship by Investment

Slovakia has the most expensive citizenship by investment program (CIP) in the world. It is also one of the most discretely available scheme. This scheme is known as Major Investor scheme, where investors can be naturalized for economic investment, who are of special interest to Slovakia Slovakia joined the European Union 1 May 2004 and joined the Eurozone on 1…

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Weakest forms of Citizenship

Weakest forms of Citizenship

Weakest citizenships are the ones that can be easily revoked anytime. Citizenship legislation is quite complicated and varies from one country to another, many countries have enacted laws to strip citizenship involved in terrorism, fraud or bringing disrepute to country. For example British-born citizens can only be stripped of British citizenship if they have another nationality (dual nationals). Weakest Citizenships…

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