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UAE Golden Visa

UAE Golden Visa

The United Arab Emirates has become a hotspot for golden visa investments in recent years due to its prime real estate market, international flight connections to anywhere in the world and flexible visa regime attracting a huge number of international investors. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the main regions receiving foreign direct investments. In 2019, the UAE Government has launched…

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What is a Golden Visa?

What is a Golden Visa?

Golden Visa programs are residence by investment schemes that offer instant permanent residency in exchange for investments. The investments could be active or passive in real estate, business capital, job creation and purchase of interest free government debts (bonds, stocks, securities). The short form for Golden Visa is “GV” Portugal first invented the name “Golden Visa” in 2012, when it…

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Important tips for passport investors

Important tips for passport investors

We give some important tips for all those interested in acquiring a passport through citizenship by investment (Cbi) programs. These are so important and we recommend every passport buyer interested to carefully read and digest the below information before contacting us. Having a basic knowledge in the passport subject will help you make the right decision. This will also save…

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‘CBI’ is Citizenship By Investment

‘CBI’ is Citizenship By Investment

‘CBI’ is a short form or abbreviation for Citizenship by investment. This short form ‘CBI’ is widely and commonly used across by many lawyers, immigration firms, governments, real estate developers and other firms in the investment immigration industry offering citizenship and residence schemes. You will find this acronym frequently  in websites, blogs, news and social media sites.. We designed this…

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How to buy a passport from home legally?

How to buy a passport from home legally?

Citizenship by investment programs offer a legitimate benefit of legally acquiring citizenship and passport from the comfort of your home, without setting setting any foot outside your country. It is Real and it is actually happening in 2020! How is this even possible? There are only six countries in the world that operate a citizenship investment programs, where it is…

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Sovereign Citizenship Fund

Sovereign Citizenship Fund

Today, we are launching Sovereign Citizenship Fund  – A new model for Governments seeking revenues from citizenship by investment programs. The fund is  fully owned, managed and controlled by the state or central banks. It is a first of kind sovereign fund in the CBI industry, fully funded by citizenship revenues as assets. It is carefully structured offering 90% liquidity, stabilization…

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Greece and Spain relaxing Golden visa rules

Greece and Spain relaxing Golden visa rules

Spain and Greece has made important changes in easing the golden visa regulations to boost investments in the real estate market from foreign investors. The Coronavirus has made a significant impact in Europe, many countries with the economy shrinking and GDP growth projected to grow less than expected for 2020 Both countries are looking to restart the economy attracting foreign investments…

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FAQs on Bulgaria Citizenship Program

FAQs on Bulgaria Citizenship Program

What is happening with Bulgaria investor citizenship scheme in 2020? A lot of confusion remains with the Bulgarian citizenship by investment program (BCBI) open or not in 2020. Here are some latest updates. Please find answers for some of the important questions below provided by the Bulgarian lawyer we work with. Is Bulgaria citizenship scheme currently open and running? Yes…

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Here is how Covid-19 tilted passport power upside down

Here is how Covid-19 tilted passport power upside down

The World is facing an unprecedented global crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism and travel and all businesses have come to a halt, forcing billions of people into lockdown. The passport power and visa restrictions have essentially collapsed and health restrictions apply everywhere. In 2020, we published best passport rankings study showing nordic countries had the best passports in the…

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