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75 Countries Deprive Citizenship for Serving in the Foreign army

75 Countries Deprive Citizenship for Serving in the Foreign army

Citizenship can be lost involuntarily through denaturalization, also known as deprivation or forfeiture. Citizenship can be lost through a variety of other grounds, that are often not clearly voluntary or involuntary. One action that is taken voluntarily (e.g. serving in a foreign military) can lead to a subsequent involuntary loss. It is possible loss of citizenship may take place without…

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List of countries revoking citizenship for fraud

List of countries revoking citizenship for fraud

Citizenship deprivation can occur for fraud. Many countries have strict laws for withdrawal of citizenship. We have compiled full list of countries revoking citizenship based on fraud, false representation or concealment of information. Country Article in law Procedure Conditions Category Afghanistan No provision n.a. n.a. No provision Albania ALB 13(1) Withdrawal Person has acquired citizenship based on incorrect data or…

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How many Trillionaires are there?

How many Trillionaires are there?

You may have heard millions and billions quite often. Have you ever thought about trillions? Becoming a trillionaire is no easy job. Having this much money is equivalent to unbelievable amount of wealth. A trillion is such a huge number, followed by twelve zeros. That is one thousand times a billion (nine zeros followed by 1). Do you know that…

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Antigua CIP Due Diligence Process (Four Tier)

Antigua CIP Due Diligence Process (Four Tier)

The Caribbean CBI Programs mandate ascertaining the applicant’s general good character and absence of a criminal record, and determining the source of funds are however more complex matters requiring more thorough investigations before being granted citizenship for investors and their family members. CBI units go through a number of vetting stages to determine the suitability of applicants. The Compliance Department…

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What are Golden Citizenship Programs?

What are Golden Citizenship Programs?

As the coronavirus threatened to overwhelm health services before vaccines became available, wealthy individuals from developed democracies also looked for an escape route.  A second passport became an ever-more-desirable commodity, for those who could afford it. While not a new phenomenon—several countries have adopted “golden citizenship” programs over the years—the onset of the pandemic generated renewed interest. The Covid pandemic,…

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Documentation Guide for Maltese Citizenship by Investment

Documentation Guide for Maltese Citizenship by Investment

The Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations (S.L. 188.06) (the Regulations) allows for the granting of citizenship by a certificate of naturalisation to foreign individuals and their families who contribute to the economic development of Malta. Every application is subject to a stringent due diligence process, including thorough background checks. Community Malta Agency (the Agency) is the competent Maltese…

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Antigua and Barbuda Residency Program

Antigua and Barbuda Residency Program

The Antigua and Barbuda Department of Immigration opened its new Residence Permit Programme, pursuant to the Immigration and Passport Act 2014. The new programme will replace the status of “Temporary Residence” which was previously issued under the Immigration and Passport Act, CAP 208. The Benefits gained from acquiring a Residence Permit includes an Applicant’s ability to live, work or study…

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