Dominica Publishes CBI Regulations 2023

The Government of Dominica has amended Citizenship by investment Regulations Act 2023, in line with international regulations.  Rules have been tightened and for future citizenship investors. Among the most important change made was, “changing names” will blocked within 5 years and will be liable for deprivation of citizenship.

We outline below most important changes made in the regulation

1.Name Change

A person who within five years of having been issued a certificate of naturalisation changes or seeks to change her/his name otherwise than by marriage may be deprived of Citizenship of Dominica pursuant to section 10(2) or (3) of the Act


After becoming naturalised been sentenced in any country to imprisonment for a term of not less than 12 months shall be deprived of citizenship of Dominica.

3.Application Forms

The main applicant is responsible for the completion and accuracy of the contents of each application form submitted by him and the following conditions shall be applicable – the applicant must personally read the form and sign the certificate of truth on the form. the fingerprint and photograph verification form and for the waiver of residence requirements form, each form shall also be completed, signed, and stamped by a registered fingerprinting officer or justice of the peace, notary public, or commissioner of oaths, as per the requirements of the form

4.Data Sharing

The Unit shall, on a monthly basis, share with the Joint Regional Communications Centre of CARICOM IMPACTS (JRCC) the names and bio data of all applicants who have been denied citizenship of Dominica. (12) JRCC is authorized to share the information in subregulation (11) with any other Caribbean jurisdiction operating a CBI Programme.


Applicants can be be refused, if  denied citizenship in any other country;

6.Parents / Grandparents

Parents or grandparents of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant above the age of sixty-five years who are substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;

7.Special Discounts

“Special Offers” or “Special Discounts” are banned under marketing of the Programme.

8.Visa Refusal

Candidates do not qualify for Dominica citizenship, if they have been denied a visa to the European Union, United Kingdom, United States of America or Canada and has not subsequently obtained a visa to, or residence permit for that country;

9.Real Estate

Real estate that has been purchased that qualifies an applicant for citizenship under the Citizenship by Investment Programme shall not be resold unless a period of at least three years. real estate shall not be eligible for use in a subsequent Citizenship by Investment application unless a period of at least five years has elapsed from the grant of that citizenship.

10.Application Status

Within three months of the submission of an application for Citizenship by Investment the Unit shall notify the Authorised Agent on behalf of the main applicant whether the application has been – (a) approved in principle; (b) delayed for cause and is still being processed; or (c) denied.

11.Post Citizenship Additions

A person who obtained citizenship through the Programme may register as a naturalised citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica a child born or adopted not more than five years after that person obtained citizenship. (2) To register a child under subparagraph (1), a processing fee of two thousand United States dollars shall be payable to the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica. A person who obtained citizenship through the Programme may make an application with respect to a spouse to whom that person was not married at the time the original application was made.  A fee of $75,000 applies for inclusion plus DD fee, application and interview fees.

12.Child Custody

One parent has sole custody of a child who is below the age of eighteen years, or where another person has legal guardianship of that child, that parent or person shall provide to the Unit the appropriate legal documentation shall be provided to demonstrate that sole custody or guardianship was awarded to that parent or person by a court of law or other relevant authority, and that parent or person must read the form and sign the certificate of truth on the form on behalf of that child;

12. Interviews

Every applicant shall attend an interview virtually or in person. main applicant and all dependents who are sixteen years of age and over to attend an interview. If an applicant fails or refuses to attend an interview pursuant to subregulation 4(10) and 9(2) his application for citizenship under these Regulations shall be refused. A set fee US$ 1000 applies per interview.

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