List of Coronavirus free countries

Covid-19 Earth Mask

A number of people have asked us which are the Covid-19 free countries. We have compiled this list of places in the world that have zero or lowest number of coronavirus cases.

The Coronavirus has managed to quickly spread across the porous borders due to a boom in travel and tourism. While most of the world struggling with outbreak, there exists small list of countries in the world have managed to shield and protect themselves from the pandemic.

No Cases

Here are the list of Covid-19 free countries with zero cases registered. These are the purest countries in the world untouched by Coronavirus and not in the official list of WHO reported cases

Lowest Cases

These are the list of places, some of which are territories, that have lowest registered cases in the world and have efficiently managed to control the pandemic. At this time of writing these places have less than 20 registered cases overall since the pandemic started.

The latest list of IATA Covid-19 travel restrictions is available here

Source: WHO

Photo credit: Pixabay

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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