Search: where

Don’t be trapped in one country

Don’t be trapped in one country

Have we learnt anything at all from Covid-19? The Lockdown restrictions taught us the importance of family and loved ones. The Covid19 Lockdowns has made ALL of us to rethink about having second residence or citizenship abroad. Don’t be trapped in one country under draconian rules, hostile governments run by dictators, political chaos, inequality, racial segregation, economic meltdown and harmful…

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How Schengen visa decisions are made?

How Schengen visa decisions are made?

Applying for schengen visa is an important decision. It is also important that you are careful and you provide necessary documentation beyond any reasonable doubt, so that you are not refused of visa. Refusals will have a big impact on your future visa applications as visa databases are shared with several countries. How consular officers make decisions? Consular officers take…

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A Gambit with Citizenships

A Gambit with Citizenships

I have been a professional chess player for many years and for sure i have used gambits effectively in many situations. How does the game of gambits fit into citizenship?. Gambits often played in the game of chess and also applies in real life with ‘citizenship’. A gambit is sacrificing one piece to attain superior position in a game.  This…

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Why Invest in Dual Citizenship?

Why Invest in Dual Citizenship?

Dual citizenship opens doors to plethora of opportunities which is needed in the 21st century. Dual citizenship is being a citizen of more than one country, often multiple nationalities. Dual citizens also carry multiple passports often a second passport. Dual citizenship offers enormous benefits such as quality of life, mobility, security, and education options for their children We live in…

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