Malta Offers Europe’s Best Golden Visa Deal
Are you thinking of moving to Malta? Numerous foreigners are attracted to the tiny island state every year. Malta provides an affordable pathway to European Residency. The Malta Permanent Residence Visa Programme offers so much value to clients wishing to make Malta their home away from home, specifically tailored to meet foreigners seeking investment immigration.…
What is Portugal Non Habitual Tax (NHR)?
The Portuguese non-habitual tax regime (NHR) is a special friendly tax regime for citizens and non-habitual Residents aims to attract talent in “high value-added activities”, for foreigners and their families to Portugal, providing a super attractive tax benefits. In Oct 2023, the Portuguese PM in a CNN interview has announced, phasing out of NHR tax…
The Serbia Golden Visa – Residence by Investment
Explore Serbia’s Investor Residence Program, granting foreign citizens a temporary residency for business or property investments. Discover the opportunities that await you in Serbia
Portugal GV Law Gazetted Ending Real Estate
Portugal government has finally gazetted the law ending all real estate investments for golden visa program. The Law 56/2023 has been published in official journal of Portugal – Diario da Republic on Oct. 6, and will come into force tomorrow. The Government has made decision to housing measures last year, saying the GV scheme has…
Basic Eligibility Assessment for CIP’s
All applicants must meet the below criteria before they apply for citizenship by investment programs. We board only those who have clean background and have enough financial means to apply. Review the below checklist yourself to see if you qualify for CBI. This saves so much time, money and delays for you. If you are…
Attestation of Grenada CBI Applications
The Grenada CBI Unit has issued new guidelines for signing application forms and attestation of documents with citizenship by investment applications. The new guidelines will apply to all applications submitted on or after October 16, 2023.. Credentials – The contact details and details of the certifying or witnessing person’s credentials must be submitted with the…
Egypt Nationality by Investment
The Egypt’s citizenship by investment (CIP) is highly underrated and least known investment schemes in the World. It is the only golden passport program in Africa. The fast tracked citizenship granted within 3 months to foreigners in exchange for financial investment made in the country (eg. Real estate). If not for investment, under normal circumstances,…
President Signs Portugal Housing Bill
The Last golden visa train has left Portugal for real estate investors who missed investing 280,000 euros. On Sep 30, The President of Portugal has signed the Mais Habitação bill after being reapproved by the parliament. The new legislation terminates all real estate investments under the renewed Golden visa program. This time the president signed…
Dutch Golden Visa Ending in Jan 1, 2024
The Dutch Golden Visa program is closing soon. According to the Government announcement IND, The residence permit for foreign investors will no longer be available from 1 January 2024. Those who wish to invest in Netherlands must submit applications before this date to receive residence permit for investment. The Dutch government officially launched the “Wealthy…
Portugal GV Legislation Approved
The Portuguese national assembly has voted and approved the 81/XV GV legislation (second one) without making any major reforms on Sep 21, 2023 and will be sent to President of the Republic for the approval. The President will have a week to approve the legislation. The President can again veto or accept the bill. Earlier…