Free Citizenship – How to get it?


Many countries offer free citizenship through birth or ancestry. These are the easiest pathways to become a citizen of a second country, without spending much money.

Here is how you can get free citizenship. We show you some of the easiest and cheapest possible ways..

You need ask around, and do your homework to collect all evidence of paperwork such as birth certificate etc. may be difficult to obtain or search, it could be lost in time during war or migration. During the wars, in early 19th century, caused flux of migration from Europe to other parts of the world, chances are your grandparents immigrated from Europe surviving the war.

For those who have no family ties, free citizenship is also possible but takes lot of time.

No country would give away their citizenship for free. It is impossible to becoming a citizen of a country without you contributing much to the country. Everything takes time, infact lot of time and your hardwork and effort.

The first step to become a citizen is to obtain a permission (eg. visa) which leads to lawful residency and then citizenship. See the following steps..

Visa > Residence permit > Permanent Resident > Citizen > Passport

The following citizenship routes available for those who are not lucky enough by birth

  • Citizenship by Marriage (marrying a foreigner)
  • Citizenship by Naturalization (legally living for long time, speak language and know culture)

Of course, you have to bear costs for applying citizenship and legal fee etc. These costs could run in to thousands of dollars.

Even if you become citizen, do not forget to consider dual citizenship regulations. Many countries still do not accept dual citizenship.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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