The New Trend in Buying Passports instead of Visas

Passport Investment

“Dont buy Visas, Buy Passports” has become a new trend amongst many wealthy families looking for safety, global mobility and freedom. This is also why citizenship by investment programs have become insanely popular.

A passport under investment program can be purchased by investing $100,000 and in just 3 months without any visit or residence condition at the comfort of your come.

Few years ago it would be impossible to think about buying a citizenship or passport legally in just about few months. New technologies, demands and trends are tearing the world apart with new innovations.

2020 has made unimaginable things possible. The Global Covid-19 pandemic has forced people including any citizenship services move to online platforms, making it possible even to buy citizenship online.

Why invest in a passport?

A passport is a complete package.. A visa is just a permission, it is only valid for travel with another passport. A passport is a valid travel document and powerful passports have built in visa free travel benefits to 150+ countries. The real benefit is you can just board the plane with just the passport. Passport saves a lot of time and hassles applying for visas at consulates in person.

Visas are usually short stays valid for 90 days (single or multiple entry). Visas have one problem, that is can only be applied or extended at embassy in your home country. You cannot apply for extensions abroad, unless for force majeure reasons.

A passport offers new identity, new life and dual citizenship status for many families. The dual citizenship status has become an important trend lately as it legally allows a person to carry multiple passports to achieve maximum freedom of movement. For example if you have Dominica passport, you could send your children to study to United Kingdom or in Germany for a six month course without applying for any visa.

A second passport is a very good investment vehicle for tax planning, life insurance and asset protection. It is a must in any investment portfolio cannot be ignored in an investment portfolio by wealth management advisors.

Amidst a Global pandemic there can be no better investment than investing for your family as citizenship is permanent and can be passed through family generations

Visa vs Passport

One big difference between a passport and visa is:  Passports can only be issued to citizens, visas issued to non-citizens (citizens cannot apply for visas in their own country). Visa holders only have limited rights, ie not eligible for social, health or education benefits like citizens.

Citizenship by investment

Citizenship by investment (CBI) programs offer instant fast track passports to investors. Currently there are 10+ countries that legally offer citizenship for investments


1. Fast processing times. Passport issued in just 2-3 months
2. No requirement to visit or live before or after citizenship
3. Powerful passport comes with Visa free access to Schengen, UK, Russia, China etc
5. Permanent citizenship to families passed down to future generations
6. Invest in real estate for passports.
8. Become a citizen of the world

How much an investment passport costs?

Prices start from $100,000 onwards.

1. Antigua and Barbuda 🇦🇬 – $100,000
2. Dominica 🇩🇲 – $100,000
3. Grenada 🇬🇩 $150,000
4. Saint Lucia 🇱🇨 $100,000
5. Saint Kitts and Nevis 🇰🇳 $150,000
6. Vanuatu 🇻🇺 $130,000
7. Turkey 🇹🇷 $250,000
8. Malta 🇲🇹 $1,000,000
9. Cyprus 🇨🇾 $2,500,000
10. Bulgaria 🇧🇬 $1,000,000
11. Montenegro 🇲🇪 $400,000

Please reach us for any questions with any programs.


Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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