Where to Buy Cheapest Citizenship by Investment?

CBI Passport

The Caribbean countries offer some of the low cost and affordable citizenship by investment programs in the World. Among all, For single applicant applicant St.Lucia has the cheapest citizenship by investment option for a total $109,500 paid to government. (Additional agency fee apply). Antigua can also be cheapest for family of three or more.. There are no cheaper ways to acquire CBI through underselling or financing are banned by CIP Govt units. You must remember Real estate investment is $200,000, twice more expensive than donation.

There are other CBI programs – Dominica, Antigua, Vanuatu hitting above the $100,000 range. These are the most cost effective and affordable to many families. All other programs such as St Kitts, Grenada exceed the $150,000 mark. We are only talking about donation option here.

We expect Caribbean countries to increase prices (double for donation and real estate) by end of 2023 or early 2024 to comply with new requirements. We inform clients not to miss out on the lowest pricing opportunity which is available now. 

Fee Calculator

Please use our CBI fee calculators to understand the breakdown of total costs for family members.

What Should You Know

  • The Donation option the cheapest, fastest investment route for citizenship. St Lucia is cheapest for one person.
  • Saint Kitts increased the prices $250,000 from Jun 2023. It is the most expensive of all Caribbean citizenship programs.
  • Antigua is the cheapest CBI for families (for family of six or more cheapest is University of West Indies (UWI) fund )
  • Grenada CBI is super attractive for those who want immigrate to US using E-2 visa route.
  • Parents, siblings (unmarried) and biological children can also apply for CBI programs.
  • Children/Siblings below Age limit of 30 and must be unmarried can be included under one family application.
  • Real estate route is expensive for all CBI can easily exceed $200,000 plus more fees.
  • Maltese citizenship is preferred by UHNWI families who can invest $1 million or more.
  • Processing times are only 90 days if all documents in order
  • St.Kitts passport is one of the strongest of all passports, granting you visa free to over 155 countries (eg. UK. EU, Russia etc..)
  • Government bond option will give you a full peace of mind as it is guaranteed by government. Vanuatu ($175,000) and St Lucia ($300,000) offer bonds issued by government (no interest paid)
  • The real estate route is more expensive easily exceed $200,000 cannot be lower than this. Investors must refrain from such financing or underselling real estate scams promoted by unlicensed agents.

Single applicant (Donation)

The following amounts paid to government (includes application fee, due diligence fee, application fee)

  • St Lucia – Single person ($249,500)
  • Dominica – Single person ($209,950)
  • Antigua – Single person ($247,500)
  • St Kitts and Nevis – Single person ($257,500)
  • Vanuatu – Single person ($115,000)

Note: Bank fee, Courier, Notary, Authorized Agency fee is additional to file your application to CBI Unit.

Expected Costs

The question of which is cheapest, really depends on whether you apply as one person or apply as family. It greatly depends on ages of children and additional family members you include such as siblings or parents.

Important to remember that you ONLY do the full investment AFTER your application is approved by government (takes 3 months). All payments done only in stages. Initially, you pay half of lawyer fee plus government fee to file the application with government

Note: Above are total costs you pay to government (You dont pay anything to Best Citizenships. Our services are free of charge. The family of 4 assumes two children below 12. Family of six assumes two children below 12 and two parents/siblings. * is UWI fund.

We have excluded St Kitts and Grenada as the costs above $150,000 upwards. If you can afford more, be sure take a look at St Kitts and Grenada. These are the some of the strongest and most powerful passports in the Caribbean. Of course, you can compare all programs using our CBI calculator

Families (Donation)

Family members have a BIG impact on the prices of CBI schemes. The costs increase when more family members according to the framework of CIP legislation established by Governments.

Antigua and Barbuda have the cheapest and most affordable CBI program. The UWI fund option provides more cost savings for families applying six or more. The above costs you pay as donation to government inclusive of government and due diligence fee, assuming you apply as family with spouse and two children below sixteen.

CBI Comparison

We tell clients, they get what they pay for. Before you pick the best program, carefully weigh the passport benefits with the price.

CBISt KittsSt LuciaAntiguaDominicaVanuatu
Real Estate$400,000$300,000$300,000$200,000$175,000
Passport issued for10 years5 years5 years10 years10 years
Visit requirednononenonenoneyes
Time120 days120 days90 days90 days40 days
Visa free total15614615014399
EU Schengenyesyesyesnono
Canadayes (eta)Yes (eta)yes (eta)nono

Refundable investments

Another trick to keep the costs low, is to invest in a fully refundable investment options (eg. Real estate shares, Government bonds etc). Bonds are low risk investment giving full peace of mind as it is paid back by government. No yield or interest will be paid but you get the whole some back after 5 years. We will show you costs for applying as main applicant (single person). Of course, you can add family members anytime later (you dont need to spend everything at the start)

St.Lucia Bond Offer

We take example of covid government bonds issued by treasury of st lucia. Fully refunded after 5 years. No extra cost to families

Government bonds – $300,000
Govt processing fee – $50,000
Due diligence – $7500
Additional costs – $1000
Total: $358,500

Since the $300,000 will be paid back after 5 years, your total costs for st lucia passport is only $58,500

Caribbean (Real Estate)

We take real estate example of buying a share in a hotel, with full buyback by developer or can be sold at your convenience. (with 3-5% rental yields and 2 weeks holidays per year). Note Private homes can be bought above $400,000

Single applicant

Real estate – $200,000 (fractional share in developers project)
Share registration fee – $4,500
Govt processing fee – $25,000
Due diligence – $7500
Additional – $1000
Total: $238,000

Since the $200,000 share is bought back by developer after 7 years (only select properties), your net costs for St Kitts citizenship is only $38,000.

Authorised Agent fee

Authorised agents licensed by Government charge a one time fee, to submit your file to the CBI unit. It also varies from $6,000 to $19,000 depending on how many family members. Please note in all calculations above the agent fee is not included above.

Please request a contact us with us specific to your situation.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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