New Family Dependent Criteria for Dominica Citizenship


Dominica CBI remains one of the top family friendly citizenship by investment programs in the World. Any family member such as spouse, children, parents and granparents upto third generation can be included for citizenship at ease.

In 2023, Dominica expanded the meaning of ‘dependant’ to include a wider range of family members. Published in the country’s Official Gazette  the Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) Regulations, 2023  broadened the scope of eligible ‘dependants’ and post-citizenship additions amongst other significant measures.

Approved applicants can go on and apply for a Dominican passport, which allows them visa-free or visa on arrival travel to over 140+ destinations including Russia, China, Schengen area etc. Further benefits include retaining citizenship for life, the right to live and work in the country, and the ability to pass on citizenship to one’s descendants.

Parents / Grandparents

Parents or grandparents of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant above the age of sixty-five years who are substantially supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;


Not accepted


Age under 18 – a child under eighteen years of age of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;

Age 18-30 –  child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant between eighteen and thirty years who is in attendance at a recognised institution of higher learning and fully supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;

Unmarried Daughter

An unmarried daughter of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is under twenty-five years of age and is living with and fully supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;

Physically / Mentally Handicapped

A child of the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant who is eighteen years of age or older and physically or mentally challenged and who is fully supported by the main applicant or the spouse of the main applicant;

Post Citizenship Additions

A person who obtained citizenship through the Programme may register as a naturalised citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica a child born or adopted not more than five years after that person obtained citizenship.

Dominica’s 2020 Regulations have expanded the ways in which an economic citizen can make a post-citizenship addition for his or her family members.

  • New born child – USD 2000
  • New spouse – USD 75,000
  • Other Dependents – USD 50,000
  • Additional due diligence, processing fee apply.

Please contact us for more information.

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