It’s Time to Invest in Passport Power

CBI Passport

International travel is on everyone’s minds with Covid lockdowns easing and slowly borders start to reopen, thanks to vaccinations and steps taken by governments across the globe to slowdown the pandemic.

When it comes to offering new ways of life, Caribbean islands certainly have a lot to offer, with their makeup an intriguing blend of European, Latin American and African culture. One such island is the Eastern Caribbean nation of St. Kitts and Nevis. In recent years, millions of tourists from a wide range of countries, including from Africa, have flocked to the lush twin island paradise. And it is not just tourists, businessmen from across the globe have looked to acquire Caribbean citizenship through dedicated investment programmes.

Investing in travel is always a good idea but the gradual lifting of travel restrictions coupled with countries thirsty for business and economic stimulation has created an unprecedented opportunity. Accelerated by COVID-19, the digitally nomad lifestyle is more accepted than ever before opening the door to a truly international lifestyle. Covid has accelerated the demand for second passports acquired through investment schemes.

Covid has accelerated the demand for second passports

The benefits of St. Kitts and Nevis’ citizenship does not stop at travel. Alongside worldwide mobility benefits its passport also represents a unique opportunity to invest in a global lifestyle, a tenet of which for many is foreign education. Whether you’re hoping to enroll in an MBA programme abroad to enhance your career or give your children a new perspective, a St. Kitts and Nevis passport can open a world of educational opportunity.

African passports have long been the weakest passports in the World restricting free movement. African professionals have been hampered in unlocking international opportunities and business ventures due to instability, discriminatory passport and immigration policies. There is also growing trend many african nations have legalised dual citizenship which opens up the possibility for legally acquiring second citizenships abroad.

The increased business potential of global mobility, especially during a pandemic, is a strong reason why the popularity of the St Kitts and Nevis CBI programme has increased in the past year. Interest remains all time high from Africa, Middle east, Asia and developed nations from North America.

This is one of the reasons why CBI programme in St. Kitts and Nevis has extended its limited time offer through the Sustainable Growth Fund route until 31 December 2021, decreasing the price of citizenship for high-net-worth businessmen and their families from USD195,000 to USD150,000 for a family of up to four.

The St Christopher (St.Kitts) and Nevis passport has evolved to become strongest passports in the Caribbean and OECS for free movement without visa restrictions. It is the

  • World’s 24th Powerful passport according to Henley
  • No.3 Powerful in the Caribbean
  • No.1 Powerful passport among CBI programs

In addition, St. Kitts and Nevis has a fast-growing economy, according to the United Nations Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, St. Kitts and Nevis had the strongest projected growth rate in the Eastern Caribbean of 3.5% before the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants are given the opportunity to invest in prime luxury real estate on the island giving them the opportunity to acquire a global asset to diversify their investment portfolio.

Offering a myriad of attractive investment opportunities, obtaining SKN citizenship does not impose any income or wealth tax or come with any residency requirements.

With the best interests of investors in mind, St. Kitts and Nevis is also committed to due diligence and security of the highest standards when it comes to its platinum CBI programme.

As the world’s oldest CBI programme, The GOSKN is committed to upholding our established world-class standard of economic citizenship. This means international standards and having a robust due diligence system in place.

The St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship can provide many of the assets a modern entrepreneur is looking for consolidated into one very attractive package. There isn’t a better time to invest.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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