The Malta government has announced new list of restricted or banned country nationals who can and cannot apply for two programs

The Malta Direct citizenship program requires 750,000 euro to be granted direct citizenship in 12 months after passing background checks. The Permanent residency program will open by end of March 2021, offering permanent residency rights by paying approx 100,000 in Govt fees.

Blacklisted countries

If the applicant has a direct link to, the following country nationals shall not be eligible to apply under the Exceptional citizenship regulations.  

  • Afghanistan
  • North Korea
  • Iran
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Venezuela.

The  Community Malta Agency reserves the right to update the list of banned countries from time to time. Such list will be communicated with all Agents accordingly.

The Malta Residency Visa Agency (MRVA) reserves the right to update the restricted countries list from time to time.

Eligible Nationals

The Malta government has recently lifted restrictions nationals from the following countries from applying for citizenship and residency program. These nationals previously were placed on restricted list.

  • Libya,
  • Chad,
  • Nigeria,
  • Eritrea,
  • Tanzania,
  • Kyrgyzstan and
  • Myanmar.