Greek citizenship test mandatory for foreigners

Greek passport

The Greek parliament has approved a new bill requiring all foreigners to take test on greek language, history and culture to acquire Greek nationality. The first citizenship exam will be held from May 2021.


The naturalisation process is published by the Ministry of Interior and it costs about 550 euro filing fee. Golden visa holders do not have preferential access to Greek nationality may have to wait for 9 years after satisfying 7 years residency requirement.

Language test

Greek language level will be at B1 and will include writing and comprehension tests. The topics are randomly selected. A passing grade of 80%  is required to receive a Certificate of Adequacy of Naturalisation from the General Secretariat of Citizenship. The cost of test will be 250 euros

In this Interview, applicants are invited to answer a series of questions, which include topics of ancient and modern Greek history, Greek geography, Greek customs, Greek political system and questions in general when answered, prove that the applicant is informed of the socio political situation in Greece, on a basic level.


Everyone who is interested in applying for Greek Citizenship has to pass an oral exam, a so called “Interview”, which is a prerequisite for obtaining Greek Citizenship and there are no exemptions from this procedure. They must display a sufficient knowledge of Greek history, geography, culture and politics,

A free e-book is published by the Interior ministry which contains summary information on Greek history, culture, geography and civics.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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