The Hartman Hotel, Grenada

Hartman Hotel Development, Grenada

The Hartman hotel is a five-star luxury resort.The Hartman hotel has been granted as an approved CBI project by the government.The design is based on ecological priorities, taking into account measures to build symbiosis with the surrounding natural environment, through wetland management, mangrove conservation, restoration of quarry damage, and the protection and enhancement of existing dove habitat and marine resources.

The design is based on ecological priorities, taking into account measures to build symbiosis with the surrounding natural environment, through wetland management, mangrove conservation, restoration of quarry damage, and the protection and enhancement of existing dove habitat and marine resources.The open public space on the first floor directly connects the wetland park with the Caribbean Sea, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the romantic island life.

  • Location: Lying in the eastern Caribbean Sea, the Hartman Resort is adjacent to the Mt. Hartman national park located on the south coast of Grenada. 
  • Resort features:A comprehensive resort integrating hotel, restaurants, entertainment and shopping center etc.
  • Investment:Invest US$270,000 to get Grenada citizenship.
Hartman Hotel and University, Grenada

Benefits of Grenada Citizenship:

  • The Backyard of the Rich– Beautiful environment, pleasant weather;less affected by hurricanes,good security, the best retirement place for UK, USA and Canada people.
  • Protected by the Common Law-Member of Commonwealth, the process of getting Grenada citizenship by investment is legal and transparent,protected by the UK common law system.
  • Simple and Low tax rate-Grenada does not have the global tax, capital gain, inheritance tax etc, free investment environment,so it is one of the world’s open offshore investment centers.
  • Recognized by the global-The CBI process is effective and transparent. The UK Financial Times considers it the best one of  the second citizenship & CBI program recognized by the global.
  • The convenience of travel-The Grenada passport holders can visit 144 countries (including: China and Russia) without a visa. It is the best second nationality option for Europeans and Americans.
  • Four generations benefit-The Grenada allows the one application of Grenada citizenship to join the parents, grandparents, and siblings, so four generations will be benefited from one application.
  • One of the Safest countries-The fast reaction for COVID-19 makes Grenada safer than most countries, rated as safe tourist destination by the US,and the famous medical school of SGU, becoming a safe haven.
  • From the US official praise-The US official highly praises the Grenada CBI program, improves the reputation and rank of Grenada passport, also more helpful for them to apply for E2 visa.
  • Benefits of US E2 Visa-Grenada is the US E2 visa treaty country, so the Grenada passport holders can apply for E2 visa to work in the US for opening a need quota,no need waiting period.


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