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Application Process for Malta Exceptional Citizenship

The Granting of Citizenship by Naturalisation for Exceptional Services by Direct Investment is regulated by the Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services Regulations (S.L. 188.06). Eligibility Criteria The main applicant must be at least 18 years of age; In possession of a valid travel document; Submit application via accredited IIP agent; Provide proof of having been a resident of Malta…

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Documents Required for Dominica Citizenship

All investor applicants are required to appoint a licensed agent to submit applications to Dominica CBIU on behalf of them. The Unit will not accept applications directly from applicants. Best Citizenships will assign you a licensed agent free of charge. Application Forms Latest forms available only with licensed agents on chargeable basis. FORM 12: (Application for naturalisation as a citizen…

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Documents Checklist for St.Lucia Citizenship Application

A Brief guide to application process, breakdown of total fees and checklist of documents required for Citizenship by investment St.Lucia. All forms can be downloaded free of charge below. To understand the documentation and application process easier, we have broken down the St. Lucia CIP Application into the headings below. 1.Application Process This requires applicant(s) to fill out the various…

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Saint Lucia CIP Due diligence (4 Layers)

Saint Lucia CIP Due diligence (4 Layers)

The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme has a rigorous due diligence process which entails engaging law enforcement and third-party due diligence firms. Upon receipt of feedback from law enforcement and due diligence firms, a decision is made on the application. The St.Lucia Citizenship by Investment Regulations mandate that a due diligence background check is done on every applicant and…

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What is a Plan B passport?

What is a Plan B passport?

A Plan B passport is a backup passport used for emergency travel situations. It comes into play if you have lost your primary passport or cannot use it. The second passport is your proof of identity for dual citizenship in another country. The more the passports in your collection more the benefit of expanding your global travel footprint without visa…

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