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Cheapest property prices in Europe

Cheapest property prices in Europe

Housing prices rose by 4.0% in both the euro area and the EU. According to Eurostat, the highest annual increases in house prices in the first quarter of 2019 were recorded in Hungary (+11.3%), Czechia (+9.4%) and Portugal (+9.2%), while prices fell in Italy (-0.8%). Turkey and Montenegro have citizenship by investment schemes with the cheapest prevailing property prices, making it…

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Vanuatu Citizenship and Passport Fees

Vanuatu Citizenship and Passport Fees

These are the latest fees for citizenship and passports applicable in Vanuatu.  In accordance with the Citizenship Act [Cap 112], the Vanuatu Citizenship Commission grants different types of citizenship. These are the different forms of citizenship acquisitions in Vanuatu: Citizenship by Naturalization (Form A) Citizenship for Non-Citizen married to a Vanuatu Citizen (Form B) Citizenship by Entitlement (Form C (a))…

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The Yellow Passport

The Yellow Passport

Yellow passports are Gold passports that are obtained under Citizenship by investment schemes. We have coined this new word ‘Yellow passport’ to substitute Second passports becoming a new brand for the CBI industry. These passports can be acquired under ius doni (donation) or through real estate investments in more than 12 countries in Europe, Asia Pacific and Caribbean. These Yellow…

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CBI passports do not create new identities

CBI passports do not create new identities

There is a very common misconception and confusion about second passports obtained through Citizenship by investment (CBI) schemes. Unfortunately this is totally wrong! CBI Passports from investment schemes do not create new identities. Passports issued under CBI schemes preserve the same identity. It is not possible really erase the place of birth (POB). The POB field remains the same no matter…

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Montenegro is the latest citizenship by investment program

Montenegro is the latest citizenship by investment program

Montenegro has launched the latest and most recent citizenship by investment program (CIP) in Europe. The scheme will officially start accepting new applications by end of 2019.  The Government already announced three agents and two due diligence firms. Montenegro is also an exciting citizenship through investment opportunity for real estate investors. The country recently seeing a boom in tourism and…

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What is a Paid Citizenship?

What is a Paid Citizenship?

Paid Citizenship means receiving instant citizenship in a foreign country for money or investments. These citizenship schemes are commonly known as Citizenship By Investment (CBI). These citizenship schemes are becoming more popular among investors looking for alternative opportunities,  driven by global uncertainty issues such as Brexit, Hong Kong protests and political crisis and fear of recession. Roughly two thousand years…

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The Yellow Citizenship and Passport

The Yellow Citizenship and Passport

We are now introducing our new brand “Yellow Citizenship” for the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) industry. Yellow is the brightest color human eye can see and we have chosen this color to represent the CBI industry. The color of sunshine, hope, and happiness, freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty, and joy. It  also spiritually signifies the Healing…

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Albania Citizenship by Investment

Albania Citizenship by Investment

Albania is set to make amendments to the citizenship law that will allow foreign investors to acquire citizenship for investments. The proposed draft changes to the law on Citizenship will allow specific categories, foreign investors included, to obtain Albanian citizenship. The draft-law will increase the number options for acquiring albanian citizenship The Interior Minister recently announced that Albanian passport will…

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The Yellow Network of Startups

The Yellow Network of Startups

Best Citizenships is now a part of the Yellow network which consists of ten exciting startups for CBI/Golden visa industry. We are one chain one network! We believe our new brand brings new innovations taking the industry to new heights. Currently the CBI and Golden visa industry is estimated at $5 billion annually.and projected to grow more. The Yellow Network…

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