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Best and worst immigrant friendly countries in Europe

Best and worst immigrant friendly countries in Europe

Here are the list of immigrant friendly countries in Europe, where locals are easily integrating with immigrants at workplace and neighborhoods. The data from european commission, shows how frequently native-born populations interact with immigrants! Interaction can mean anything from exchanging a few words to doing an activity together Best Countries Greece Sweden Ireland Austria Spain Worst Countries Bulgaria Romania Lithuania Hungary…

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Restricted countries for Vanuatu Citizenship (DSP/VCP)

Restricted countries for Vanuatu Citizenship (DSP/VCP)

Vanuatu does not accept nationals of certain blacklisted countries with new rules in force effective from 2019. Nationals from these 5 countries, cannot apply for Vanuatu DSP/VCP citizenship by investment scheme  Afghanistan, Iran North Korea, Somalia Yemen Exception: Vanuatu may accept nationals from restricted country if they have not resided in restricted countries for more than 5 years and can…

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US tightens citizenship rules on good moral character

US tightens citizenship rules on good moral character

USCIS has published a new policy manual  expanding the scope of Good Moral Character (GMC) to applicable to all foreigners including EB-5 investors to naturalize for citizenship. On Dec. 10, USCIS issued separate policy guidance in the USCIS Policy Manual about how two or more convictions for driving under the influence or post-sentencing changes to criminal sentencing might affect GMC…

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Malta strengthens due diligence and tax compliance checks

Malta strengthens due diligence and tax compliance checks

Malta has taken new measures  for stricter due diligence checks on IIP applicants and comply with CRS standards of tax exchange for CBI/RBI schemes in Malta. These new proposals were outlined in Draft Budgetary Plan 2020 of Maltese Government. IIP Agency Since May 2018, the Individual Investor Programme (IIP) is being administered by an independent Government entity specifically focused on…

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Spain Golden Visa Statistics

Spain Golden Visa Statistics

Spain offers long term residence permits on economic interest under Law 14/2013, so called golden visas. Spain has further expanded the scope of the scheme and these visas are available for various categories not just for real estate investment. Investors. Entrepreneurs. Highly qualified professionals. Researchers. Workers subject to intra-corporate transfers within the same undertaking or group of undertakings. Applications for…

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Top 15 Weakest Passports in the World

Top 15 Weakest Passports in the World

Weakest passports severely restrict and deprive people of the travel freedom due to visa restrictions imposed on them. For example the possibility to travel to United Kingdom, EU schengen area, Russia, China for business, tourism and visiting family and friends. These are also the worst passports in the world. In general, the weakest passports come from Asia, Africa and Arab countries…

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