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Transparent Citizenship by Investment Programs

Transparent Citizenship by Investment Programs

Citizenship by investment (CBI) has become increasingly popular and has become $3 billion dollar annual industry.. Small countries have significantly benefited from revenues CBI schemes selling passports. Further billions of dollars have been raised through inflows of investments in real estate. But how transparent are these investor citizenship schemes running in more than 10 countries? Malta is the only country…

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Jordan CBI Program

Jordan CBI Program

Jordan first established naturalization by investment in 1999 with its investment promotion legislation. The Jordan citizenship by investment (CBI) program was never a popular route for foreign investors, but in the last few years it has resurfaced as many high net-worth individuals (HNWI) from the Middle East are looking for security in another country and Jordan has been relatively stable…

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Which Countries give Citizenship by Investment without visiting?

Which Countries give Citizenship by Investment without visiting?

Covid and lockdowns has made impossible for us to travel and visit countries to acquire citizenship and passports. Covid has accelerated the popularity of citizenship by investment schemes (CBI) that require any sort of personal visits. Covid has opened up possibility of digital citizenships which can be obtained from your home. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars taking…

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FATF blacklist countries

FATF blacklist countries

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog and policy making body, in which more than 200 countries and jurisdictions are members. FATF High-risk jurisdictions have significant strategic deficiencies in their regimes to counter money laundering, terrorist financing, and financing of proliferation. If a country is in FATF blacklist, international banks may refuse…

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Cryptocurrency Due Diligence

Cryptocurrency Due Diligence

There are over 1600 crypto coins in the market and accepting cryptocurrencies carry high risks. The most popular cryptocurrencies in the world are  Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin It is impossible to ignore this new 21st century digital asset, as cryptocurrencies have resisted being shutdown by powerful Governments and also completely remained unaffected during Covid-19 spearheading digital technologies into the…

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