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How much is Dominica CBI?

How much is Dominica CBI?

Dominica has the second oldest CBI program running since 1992 known for its reputation and popularity. Dominica requires no visit to the island and passport can be easily acquired in three months completing background checks. Two investment routes available, one is non-refundable donation to NTF state fund ($100k) and the other real estate (requires $200k minimum). To many clients, the…

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It’s Time to Invest in Passport Power

It’s Time to Invest in Passport Power

International travel is on everyone’s minds with Covid lockdowns easing and slowly borders start to reopen, thanks to vaccinations and steps taken by governments across the globe to slowdown the pandemic. When it comes to offering new ways of life, Caribbean islands certainly have a lot to offer, with their makeup an intriguing blend of European, Latin American and African…

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The Best Kept Secret of Wealthy Families

The Best Kept Secret of Wealthy Families

The Wealthiest people in the World are known to invest in art collection, antiquities, luxury cars, properties and in hedge funds. But there is one luxury item kept secret and very private by these wealthy individuals. It is just a passport booklet, popularly known as second passport, providing cover, safety and asset protection offshore. Billionaires are known to run single…

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Which CBI passport is the most powerful?

Which CBI passport is the most powerful?

Malta has the most powerful CBI passport followed by Bulgaria. In general, EU countries have powerful passports globally when it comes to visa free travel freedom and mobility. St Kitts takes the third place behind EU countries. Turkey and Montenegro have weak CBI passports. In the Caribbean region, St Kitts undoubtedly has the most powerful CBI passport. St Lucia’s passport…

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How to get Police certificate in South Africa

How to get Police certificate in South Africa

A Police certificate refers to a statement from a national law enforcement authority on the status of a person’s criminal record. It is also referred to as “Certificate of No Criminal Record” or “Police Clearance Record”. The Police record certificate is perhaps the most important document when you apply for immigration, permanent residence or citizenship abroad. This is also a…

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Top 10 Strongest Caribbean Passports

Top 10 Strongest Caribbean Passports

We have compiled strongest and most powerful passports from the Caribbean Caricom countries in terms of visa free access to countries. Barbados takes the first spot and consistently maintained this position for being the strongest passport the Caribbean. The second place is Bahamas followed by St Kitts in third place as per Henley Passport Index.  Haiti and Dominican Republic has…

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Les Khan Answers Important Questions on St Kitts CBI

Les Khan Answers Important Questions on St Kitts CBI

Interview on St Kitts Citizenship by Investment Mr. Les Khan, CEO of the St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1.What makes SKN the ‘Rolls Royce’ of citizenship by investment? The St. Kitts and Nevis (SKN) Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme is the world’s platinum standard for economic citizenship. The programme is the oldest and most established…

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Why invest in St Lucia?

Why invest in St Lucia?

Saint Lucia is a member of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU).  Saint Lucia had an estimated Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $2.122 billion in 2019 according to the latest figures obtained from the World Bank.  Tourism is Saint Lucia’s main economic sector, while real estate and transport are other leading sectors.…

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