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Ban on Russians applying for Golden Visas

Ban on Russians applying for Golden Visas

The Western countries have targeted Russia’s wealthiest by limiting the sale of golden passport program by imposing restrictive economic measures and financial sanctions including a ban on SWIFT financial system. This means from now on, Russian nationals will be banned from applying for ALL citizenship by investment and Golden visa programs. Malta, Greece and Portugal already announced suspension of golden…

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Annual Report on Maltese Citizenship for Investments

Annual Report on Maltese Citizenship for Investments

The Maltese Government has published annual reports to public ensuring full transparency on the citizenship by investment programme. These reports are published by Office of the Regulator Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services which are available from 2014 to 2020 The Granting of Citizenship for Exceptional Services (GCES) is intended as an enabler to allow for the grant of Maltese…

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Tips for foreigners buying properties in Turkey

Tips for foreigners buying properties in Turkey

We give you some important tips unknown to foreigners investing in Turkish real estate market to get residency or citizenship. Registration Property ownership titles may only be approved upon registration at the land registry directorates. Inquiries about properties may be made online at, where specific details of the city, district, quarter/village, map section, and plot may be used to…

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Dominica CBI is an attractive option for South African families

Dominica CBI is an attractive option for South African families

Dominica’s CBI programme was established in 1993, making it one of the longest-standing programmes of its kind globally. Dominica has been ranked as the No.1 Best citizenship by investment programme for 2022 for global mobility of international investors and their family members. Dominica brings an attractive second citizenship option for south african investors and their family members bringing tremendous social…

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How to determine Tax Residency with Citizenship by Investment?

How to determine Tax Residency with Citizenship by Investment?

Citizenship is one of the closest connections between a person and a country.  In the past, citizenship and residency tended to coincide across the population.The bilateral nature of this bond is the origin of the duty to pay taxes. However, globalisation has accelerated international mobility and currently, these two concepts are now more separated. Many personal income tax regimes will…

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How Passport Security Evolved Over the Years

How Passport Security Evolved Over the Years

The Earliest known first travel documents were issued in 15th century England. These were not passports only known as ‘safe conduct’ documents handwritten with signatures and wax seals as basic security features. Free travel was described in the Magna Carta, which called for unhindered travel by bearers of a “free travel letter”, that is  a laissez-passer.   Passports were still signed…

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