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What is a Plan B passport?

What is a Plan B passport?

A Plan B passport is a backup passport used for emergency travel situations. It comes into play if you have lost your primary passport or cannot use it. The second passport is your proof of identity for dual citizenship in another country. The more the passports in your collection more the benefit of expanding your global travel footprint without visa…

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Wealth & Citizenship are Two Sides of a Same Coin

Wealth & Citizenship are Two Sides of a Same Coin

Wealth and citizenship go hand in hand, synonymous and inseparable like two faces of the same coin.  What exactly is the connection between wealth and citizenship? Citizenship is important strategy for wealth protection, at the same time many world nations provide red carpet welcome for economic investments from wealthy individuals, offering a direct citizenship path.  Citizenship is a new modern…

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St.Lucia extends CIP bond deadline

St.Lucia extends CIP bond deadline

Effective from Jan 1, 2023, The CIP Saint Lucia Unit will be extending CIP government bonds. A new type of bond “National Action Bond” investment will be introduced replacing covid relief bonds The St.Lucia Government has announced that the deadline for covid bond applications for citizenship will not be extended past the cutoff date Dec 31, 2022. The CIP Unit…

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The End of Portugal Golden visa program?

The End of Portugal Golden visa program?

Portugal is currently thinking about scrapping the golden visa scheme entirely, after ten years of running the most successful golden visa program in Europe. Update: The proposal of scrapping Golden visa program was rejected in the State Budget 2023 with the voted out by Social Democratic Party during the discussion in Parliament on November 22nd. Portugal is considering giving up…

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