Antigua CIP Sets Best Year on Record
The Antigua Citizenship by Investment program in its 11th year since inception, has recorded 2024 as one of the best years recording strong growth according to the Charmaine Donovan, CEO of Antigua CIU in an interview to ABS Antigua. The number of applications received in 2024 alone is approximately last three or four years combined.…
Grenada Requirement for Passport Validity
The Grenada citizenship by investment authority – IMA Grenada Circular No.4 of 2024 – has announced a new requirement for passport validity of applications submitted under the citizenship by investment program. All passports under the CBI application process, must be valid for more than six months to ensure smooth and efficient processing of applications. Agents…
UK Commences ETA for Visa Exempt Nations
The United Kingdom will be starting Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) to travellers from visa exempt countries starting from 8 January 2025. ETA Applications can be filed as early from 27 Nov 2024 via online or app. ETAs are digitally linked to a traveller’s passport and ensure more robust security checks are carried out before people…
St.Lucia Appoints CIP Board
The CIP Saint Lucia Program consists of CIP Unit and CIP Board to oversee and administer the citizenship by investment program. The Citizenship by Investment Unit (“the Unit”) are the general administrators of CIP Saint Lucia and are responsible to receive and assess all applications for citizenship and licenses. The Citizenship by Investment Board (“the…
Name Change with CBI Programs
We get a lot of questions about the possibility of changing names applying via citizenship by investments. Name change is legally guaranteed right in many countries. Rules have changed recently with CBI programs in 2024, restricting changing names for security reasons, especially changing names is used for identity laundering by criminals. There are many genuine…
Stakeholders involved in CBI Business
The CBI industry is made up of private and professional stakeholders assisting applicants apply for a CBI programme: marketing agents, immigration agents, concierge firms, law enforcement agencies and financial institutions or wealth managers. 1. Marketing Agents Marketing agents recruit prospective investors to a programme and usually targetjurisdictions that are likely to have a large source…
Dominica to Revoke Citizenship for Name Change
Dominica has implemented strict rules for changing the name under the new citizenship by investment rules for 2024 to prevent identity laundering and the abuse of CBI program, after concerns were raised by EU, FATF and OECD. Under the new legislation, Applicants may be deprived of citizenship of Dominica pursuant to section 10 (2) or…
Solomon Islands to Launch Citizenship by Investment
Solomon islands, a pacific country will soon be launching new citizenship by investment program alongside neighbors Vanuatu and Samoa who already have their CIP versions. CBI Draft Bill The Prime Minister of Solomon islands has announced completion first draft of citizenship by investment bill, soon to be tabled by parliament. The program once implemented, eligible…
Update on Backlog of Ireland IIP Applications
The Immigrant Investor Programme (IIP) was closed on 15 February 2023 and arrangements in relation to the orderly winding down of the Programme was put in place and the management of the closure in a way that is fair to all. The Programme was introduced in 2012 when the struggling Irish economy needed investment. The…
US Caribbean Round Table CBI Conference 2024
On 29 August 2024, the five Eastern Caribbean countries that offer Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programmes and the United States Department of the Treasury held a productive Roundtable in Grenada to discuss the status of implementation of the Six CBI Principles. The CBI countries were represented by delegations comprising the Chairs, Chief Executive Officers and technical…