Best and Worst CBI Passports 2019

Citizenship by Investment Passport

These are the Best and worst citizenship by investment (CBI) passports for 2019, in terms of visa free travel, according to the latest passport rankings released by Henley and Partners.

Malta and Cyprus are the Best CBI passports for 2019. Turkey is the worst CBI passport for 2019, followed by Moldova and Montenegro in second and third positions.

Best CBI Passports

  1. Malta
  2. Cyprus
  3. Bulgaria
  4. St Kitts and Nevis
  5. Antigua and Barbuda

Worst CBI Passports

  1. Turkey
  2. Moldova
  3.  Montenegro
  4. Vanuatu
  5. Dominica


Worst CBI passports 2019

Here are some of our explanations:

  • Turkey is the worst CBI passport as its visa free access to 112 countries. No visa free access to EU schengen area, United Kingdom, Ireland etc.
  • Vanuatu is the fourth worst passport, despite the passport has visa free access to EU, UK, Ireland and Russia. Soon Vanuatu may soon visa waiver with China
  • Moldova and Montenegro have visa waiver with EU countries (schengen) but no visa waiver with United Kingdom / Ireland. Note, Moldova citizenship scheme is suspended currently
  • Dominica and Antigua moved up in rankings with recent visa waiver signed with Russia, one of the biggest and largest countries in the world.
  • Montenegro despite opening a special citizenship by investment scheme in 2019, is the third worst passport in the world.  Montenegro in the future can become a very powerful EU passport, once its European Union in 2025.
  • St Kitts is a very powerful passport among the caribbean CBI countries. St Kitts government is committed to expand the passport power for its citizens expanding its visa waiver program (VWP). In 2019, St Kitts signed new visa waivers with Mexico, Georgia


Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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