Dr.Telbert Glasgow

Licensed Agent, St.Kitts and Nevis

Dr. Telbert Glasgow has held senior positions in Government and the private sector. He possesses a rich bank of knowledge in the Financial Services Industry. He has a passion for Continuous Professional Development, hence his pursuit of both the STEP and Actuarial designations. He is a licensed government agent for the St.Kitts and Nevis (SKN) CBI Programme.

Telbert Glasgow

Dr. Telbert is a financial services provider and consultant licensed by government both in St. Kitts and Nevis. We intend to provide an optimal solution to satisfy the problem of our clients.

He provides a wide range of services which include but not limited to:

  • Provision of corporate Services
  • Captive Insurance Management
  • Creation and management of financial security structures
  • Trust services
  • Estate planning
  • Actuarial problem solving techniques
  • Citizenship by investment
  • Human resource development
  • Real Estate

Request a Free Consultation

Have Questions? We assist clients investing $100,000 or more with citizenship and residence by investment programs.