Dominica CBI Interview Fee is $1000


The Government of Dominica has implemented compulsory interviews as an added security measure to strengthen the background checks of citizenship by investment applications. Starting from 17 July 2023, all applicants who apply for citizenship by investment, sixteen years of age or over will be required to attend a mandatory interview. This includes main applicant and family members such as spouse, parents, adult children etc..

There is mandatory interview fee of US$1,000 per interview.

Interviews will be held virtually, via a secure platform. Applicants will be contacted directly by authorised interviewers for scheduling interviews. Thereafter, applicants and their dependants will attend virtual interviews; Authorised Agents/Licenced Promoters cannot attend interviews on their behalf. All applicants must hold identification documents, and supporting documents deemed necessary for the interview.

Interviews will be conducted in the applicant’s native language or a language of his/her choosing. All applicants 16 years and over are expected to attend interviews; applicants who are unable to join with the rest of their family must pay for additional interviews. Documents requested via the interview will be routed via the Authorised Agent.

The Government desires that all new economic citizens reflect the values of this small, safe country that is known for its genuine and friendly population. Crucially, all applicants must make their sources of their income fully transparent, so that the Government can be sure that their funds are clean.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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