Antigua CIP Sets Best Year on Record

Antigua and Barbuda - Citizenship by Investment

The Antigua Citizenship by Investment program in its 11th year since inception, has recorded 2024 as one of the best years recording strong growth according to the Charmaine Donovan, CEO of Antigua CIU in an interview to ABS Antigua.

The number of applications received in 2024 alone is approximately last three or four years combined.

– Charmaine Donovan

The country’s Citizenship by Investment Programme is enjoying a bumper year. The Chief Executive Officer of the Citizenship by Investment Unit, Charmaine Quinland Donovan tells ABS News the CIP is seeing one of its best years on record.

“It speaks volumes of the confidence in people they place in the program and why it is they are interested in becoming citizens of Antigua &Barbuda”, she said.

She noted applicants are attracted by investment in the country and also power of passport and rigor of the application process.

Antigua set new prices implementing price hike, from Aug 1, 2024 under CIP regulations 2024 setting minimum investment to $230,000. Last minute investors were given 1 month extended time for last minute application under $100,000 until Jul 30, 2024.

The CEO praised the effort of staff and noted “Our work is to ensure that the persons who come through this program are of good character and ensure nefarious actors are kept at bay”.

Antigua Government continues to receive non-tax revenue from foreign direct investments through the CIP program and these funds are used for pensions, social security, vaccine, medical center etc.

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