Caribbean Nations Overhaul CIP Programs

citizenship passports

The Caribbean countries running citizenship by investment programs have done a major overhaul of their CIP programs, increasing the minimum investment thresholds, tightening DD checks and to fully eliminate underselling discounts in accordance to the common framework of MoA signed agreement between five OECS nations.

As a result of this shakeup, the CBI prices have become more expensive for future investors who seek alternative citizenship by investment solution in the caribbean.

Quick Overview

CBIDonationReal Estate
St.Kitts and Nevis$250,000$400,000
Antigua & Barbuda$230,000$300,000
Additional fee apply with investment

Please note due diligence fee, government processing fee, application fee apply for all investment programs.

1. St.Kitts and Nevis

St.Kitts was the first country to raise the CBI prices already implemented in July 2023. But further changes to pricing implemented post July 2024.

SISC Fund Contribution

  • Single applicant – $250,000
  • Family with up to three dependants – US$250,000
  • Additional dependent (under 18) – US$ 25,000
  • Additional dependent (above 18) – $50,000

Real Estate (Developer)

The minimum real estate investment in an Approved Development is US$400,000 (resale after seven years) for each main applicant.

Government Fee


Private Homes

Applicants may qualify for citizenship through an investment in an Approved Private Home.

  • The minimum investment in a condominium unit designated as an Approved Private Home is US$400,000.
  • The minimum investment in a single-family private dwelling home designated as Approved Private Home is US$800,000.

Due Diligence fee

  • Main Applicant – $10,000
  • Dependent – $7500 (above 16 only)

2. Dominica

The Commonwealth of Dominica Citizenship by Investment Regulations (the 2024 Regulations) were gazetted on 28 June 2024 and came into effect immediately with new price structure raising the minimum investments, as per the memorandum of understanding signed by five OECS CIP nations in 2024. The 2024 Regulations repeal the existing regulations and amendments.

Economic Diversification Fund (EDF)

  • US$200,000   for the main applicant;
  • US$250,000 for the main applicant and up to three qualifying dependants;
  • US$25,000  for any additional dependant under the age of eighteen;
  • US$40,000  for any additional dependant eighteen years of age or older;

2. Real Estate

  • Minimum USD 200,000 real estate investment

Due Diligence fee

  • Main Applicant – $7,500
  • Dependent – $4000 (above 16 only)

Government Fee (Real estate only)

  • $75,000 United States dollars for the main applicant;
  • $100,000 United States dollars for a main applicant and up to three dependants;
  • $25,000 United States dollars for any additional dependant under the age of eighteen;
  • $40,000 United States dollars for any additional qualified dependant eighteen years of age or older;
  • $7500 United States dollars for due diligence background checks on the main
    applicant; and
  • $4000 for due diligence background checks on each dependant sixteen years of age or older; and
  • $1000 interview fee per interview;

3. Saint Lucia

The Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Unit (“The Unit”) in a memo sent to agents and stakeholders, wishes to inform of changes to the minimum legislative prices of qualifying investment options effective July 1, 2024. These adjustments are in keeping with the Memorandum of Agreement signed between the five OECS territories operating Citizenship by Investment Programmes which calls for a minimum investment threshold of US two hundred thousand dollars (USD 200,000.00).

National Economic Fund

  • Applicant applying with up to three qualifying dependents – US$240,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependent (under 18 years of age) – $10,000
  • Each additional qualifying dependent (above 18 years of age) – $20,000
  • Newborn child of a citizen who is 12 months of age or below – $5,000
  • Spouse of a citizen – $35,000
  • Qualifying dependents of a citizen other than a spouse – $25,000

Real Estate (Approved Project)

  • Applicant with any dependent – USD 300,000 plus administrative fees.

Enterprise Project (Approved)

Applicant with upto 3 dependents – USD 250,000 plus administration fees

Saint Lucia Bonds

Risk free investment with guaranteed payback of capital by government after 5 years without interest.

  • USD 300,000 for single or family of four or more
  • USD 50,000 processing fees.

Due Diligence fee

  • Main Applicant – $8000
  • Dependent – $5000 (above 16 only)

4. Grenada

Grenada Citizenship by Investment Unit (IMA) through Circular No. 2 of 2024 has announced new prices for CBI programme in accordance with the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) among the Member States of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States offering Citizenship by Investment Programmes (CBIPs), a new pricing structure for the Investment Migration Agency Grenada (IMA) will be implemented effective July 1, 2024.

Under the new framework, the minimum investment requirement for the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Programme will become US$235,000.00. The threshold was increased from current old prices $150,000 (NTF donation) and $200,000 (real estate).

National Transformation Fund (NTF)

  • Single Applicant or a family of up to 4 – US$235,000
  • Additional dependents – US$25,000/$50,000
  • Sibling – US$75,000

Approved Project Investment (Real Estate)

  • Single Applicant or a family of up to 4 – US$270,000
  • Government Contribution – US$50,000
  • Additional dependents – US$25,000/$50,000
  • Sibling – US$75,000

The entire investment sum of $270,000 must be deposited into the Developer’s Escrow Account as per new rules.

Due Diligence fee

  • Main Applicant – $5000
  • Dependent – $5000 (above 17 only)

5. Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda CIU has announced new investment thresholds for the citizenship by investment program, in accordance with the MOA signed with five eastern caribbean states. The new prices will be implemented by Aug 1, 2024 (instead of Jun 30), that is 30 days later from the proposed date, according to the memo sent to all CIP stakeholders by CEO of Antigua CIU Charmaine Donovan.

NDF Donation

  • For a family of 1 to 4, the minimum investment threshold will be US$230,000
  • For a family size of 5 or more, the minimum threshold will be US$245,000

Government Processing fee

  • Single applicant – $10,000
  • Family of four – $20,000
  • Additional dependent – $10,000 per person

Due Diligence Fee

  • $8,500 + $5,000 for spouse,
  • $2,000 per dependent 12-17,
  • $4,000 per dependent 18 and over
  • $5,000 Benefactor

UWI Fund

For a family of 6:- US$260,000 contribution (inclusive of processing fees)
Family of 7 or more:- US$260,000 Contribution plus Processing Fees: US$10,000 for each additional dependent

Real Estate

The minimum threshold will be US$300,000 (from current $200,000)

Processing fees

For a single applicant, or a family of 4 or less

  • Processing fees: US$10,000

For a family of 4:-

  • Processing Fees: US$20,000

For a family of 5 or more:-

  • Processing Fees: US$20,000 + US$10,000 for each additional dependent

Business Investment

No changes to the current minimum $1.5 million to $5 million projects

Please contact us for more information on the available options.

Prabhu Balakrishnan

CEO and Founder of Best Citizenships

World’s Leading expert in CBI/RBI programs with 15+ years experience assisting wealthy investors with citizenship and residence planning. Background in Computers, Finance, Consulting, PR etc.. Founded several brands for CBI industry. A Pioneer advocating Global mobility with dual Citizenship. Follow him on Twitter and Linkedin.

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