With price increase on horizon, we anticipate increased, last minute applications, filed for caribbean citizenship by investment programs. The Caribbean countries have already announced doubling the minimum investment, effective immediately from Jun 30, 2024, according to MOU signed by four Caribbean OECS countries.


On Wednesday, 20 March, a virtual signing ceremony witnessed the collaboration of four OECS countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, and St Kitts and Nevis.  The signing of the MoU underscores the collective commitment of Caribbean CBI nations to uphold CBI programme standards and engage in constructive dialogue with international partners. Four small island developing states who signed this Memorandum have committed to increase and harmonize the minimum investment threshold of their CBIPs to an investment sum of at least US$200,000 no later than June 30, 2024

Price Increase

All prospective applicants must be aware that, CBI Donations will double to $200,000 (from $100k) and Real estate will become $400,000 (from $200k) from this date on the below countries.

  1. Antigua and Barbuda – From Jun 30, 2024
  2. St.Kitts and Nevis –  No price increase (Already implemented July 2023)
  3. Grenada – From Jun 30, 2024
  4. Dominica – From Jun 30, 2024
  5. Saint Lucia – Dates not announced (likely by end of 2024).

These immediate measures were taken by CIP nations to fortity due diligence processes and ensuring uniformity in legislation, Caribbean CBI countries aim to strengthen their programmes against potential vulnerabilities and amidst international pressure and concerns raised by EU, UK, US/FATF and OECD in a strong effort to protect credibility and transparency of the Caribbean CBI program. The Caribbean CBIP’s in the OECS had become the target of international scrutiny from 2017.

The MoU outlines crucial agreements among the participating CBI countries, including: 

  • Exchange of best practices and due diligence processes. 
  • Establishment of a minimum threshold of USD $200,000, reflecting actual funds received. 
  • Underselling from minimum investment requirement will be removed.
  • Information sharing on applicants. 
  • Enhanced transparency measures, including financial disclosures. 
  • Independent financial and operational audits. 
  • Creation of a regional authority to establish standards. 
  • Adoption of common communication and promotion standards. 
  • Regulation of agents. 
  • Implementation of joint training programmes for CBI administrations. 

Last Minute Applications

We take last minute applications from investors applying for CBI’s before price increase. Below is the good overview of expected costs. On top of that you should have clean criminal record, no previous visa refusal and must not come from restricted country.

You must submit your application, no later tan June 30, 2024 to avail reduced pricing.

Single ApplicantDonationReal EstateBonds
St.Lucia$116,500not available$366,000

Note: Above is all inclusive approx expected costs for one person. Actual costs provided by our caribbean office may slightly vary based on age and total people applying.

Please use our CIP cost calculators to know more about the pricing. Please contact for more information