Developing Nations Can Attract FDI Granting Visas for investment

Visa and Passport

Small islands and developing countries can super charge their Economic Growth can be achieved Attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) linked to Strategic Investor Visa Programs, on a path to become a “prosperous country”. To compete internationally, Government must loosen stringent economic and immigration policies and open up for foreign investment.

Offering investor visas can give a country a competitive edge, attracting rich individuals who might choose to invest in and contribute long term to the host country’s economic development. The result is “wealth migration”, taking wealth from one country to another.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has proved to be resilient for weathering financial crises. Unrestricted free flow of capital across national borders, allows capital, seek out the highest rate of return and numerous other benefits to domestic economy, according to IMF.

About 70% of the countries in the world do have a visa regime in place for investment. 30% of countries mostly in Africa do not. Many developed nations US, Canada already offer visa-for-investment.  It’s crucial for governments to carefully design and manage “investor visa” programs to ensure they align with the country’s economic development goals, address potential risks, and promote sustainable growth. System in place to prevent abuse, do proper background checks and political interference.

Investment Promotion Agency

Many countries have setup  Investment Promotion Agency is responsible for only overseeing foreign investments, do not automatically grant rights to foreign investors for acquiring visas or citizenship later. It is crucial for visas tied to investment and offered as a package, for the foreigner to make frequent trips and can also bring their family to settle.

Investment Visas

There are three types of investment programs, governments can think of under three categories.

  • “Golden Visa” – Visa for investment
  • “Golden Residence” – Residence permit for investment
  • “Golden citizenship” – Economic Citizenship by Investment

Investment Sectors

The above categories can be linked different investment routes such as:

  • Real Estate (Tourism)
  • Job creation
  • Capital Transfer (Companies)
  • Government securities
  • State Donation Fund (Rainy day)
  • Investment Funds (Public and Private)

Economic Benefits

Take a look at the benefits driven by FDI investments..

Economy – GDP growth, reduce external debt, improve credit ratings and surplus foreign reserves.

Taxes Revenue – Government has receive revenues from taxing companies that bring new investments into manufacturing, services and trade sector.

Job creation – With job creation, brings more skill and talent inside the country while reducing unemployment rate.

Tourism – Tourism is a major driver to GDP, can bring significant tax revenues to country, creating thousands of jobs, demand for rental properties. Promotes business, culture and friendship promoting a nation to international stage.

Balance sheet – for countries facing trade deficits, as FDI can improve balance sheet, offset the negative impact of importing more goods than exporting.

Infrastructure – Surplus funds can be used improve infrastructure, such as roads, hospitals, schools, ports, and utilities. This, in turn, benefits both local businesses and the overall economic environment

Research – Attract Companies in research and development can foster economic growth.

Art and Culture – Restoration or renovation of cultural/artistic heritage, museums can be done through donations received through foundations or trusts (non-profit)

Rainy day – Government can allocate certain surplus revenues for disasters – eg. Earthquakes, Tsunami, Flood, Volcanic. Eruptions etc.

We provide government advisory services with a framework on design, implementation and promotion of investment visas. Please contact us for more information.

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Have Questions? We assist clients investing $100,000 or more with citizenship and residence by investment programs.