The Serbia Golden Visa – Residence by Investment


Serbia offers an investor residency (aka golden visa) to foreigners through ownership of property or investing in a company. Serbia does not have an official citizenship by investment scheme, but citizenship can be acquired only going through residency pathway. Serbia has low corporate tax rate, salary tax rate, and VAT rate attractive for companies. Serbia has continued its path towards EU membership: negotiation process has officially started. City of Belgrade has been named a City of the Future in Southern Europe. Serbia as a country offers diverse opportunities with good strategic position, adequate infrastructure and great human resource potential. Being at a unique position in the European market,

The Serbian government adopted the Decree on the criteria for determining the category of foreign citizens who may be granted a temporary residence permit by the Republic of Serbia, regardless of the criteria prescribed in the Law on Foreigners. This decree defines the criteria for granting residence in Serbia for private investors. Investment provides near immediate Temporary residency rights to those investing in Serbia.

Eligible Investments

Foreign citizens who invest in the already registered legal entity in Serbia, or in business activity by way of investing in tangible and intangible assets.

  • Real estate – 100,000 EUR (residential or commercial)
  • Companies – 50,000 EUR (capital paid to new or existing company)
  • Bank deposit – EUR 50,000  (non-resident bank account registered in the Republic of Serbia or in equivalent RSD or other foreign currency)

Investors can request a temporary residence permit from the immigration authority for the made investment. Family members also eligible. Applications must be filed to the Serbian Ministry of Internal Affairs – Foreigners` Department.

The First Temporary residence permit would be issued for 6 months. If a request for extension of temporary residence has been submitted, which was previously approved under the conditions prescribed, the temporary residence shall be extended for one year.

Why Serbia

  • Serbia has achieved and maintained full price stability, exchange rate stability and financial stability, as well as political stability.
  •  Serbia is an official future candidate for EU membership and according to experts, yet a maximum of 5 years to EU membership
  •  Excellent educational facilities with free and compulsory education for children aged between seven and 15 years.
  •  Stable and versatile banking system. Serbia is NOT part of the Automatic Exchange of Information convention (CRS).
  •  Open access to the good medical and pension systems of Serbia.
  •  Tax policies are flexible and non-restrictive. You can become a tax resident of Serbia one year after the first approval of the

Serbian Residency

• Low minimum investment to invest in serbian economy.
• Possibility of Serbian citizenship after 5 years before you can obtain permanent residence status.
• Minimum stay requirements are flexible.
• Serbian passport is a respected one, with visa free regime to 138 nations include EU Schengen area, China etc.
• Belgrade is one of the most interesting cities in the world. The nightlife was set according to ranking # 1 in the world.

Permanent Resident

A foreign national shall be eligible to submit an application for permanent residence after five years of having been continuously approved temporary residence in the Republic of Serbia, unless otherwise prescribed by law. The continuous residence is considered an effective residence of a foreign national in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, with the possibility of multiple absences from the Republic of Serbia for up to ten months or one-time absence for up to six months, for a period of five years.

Serbian Citizenship

The naturalization process into Serbian citizenship takes in total of 8 years. It requires at least 3 years of permanent residence, which itself takes 5 years before you can obtain permanent residence status. If you are a foreigner and you have permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia, you may acquire citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, if you fulfil the following requirements:

  • that you have turned 18 and have not been deprived of business capacity;
  • that you have been released from a foreign citizenship or that you have presented evidence that you will be released from it, if admitted to citizenship of the Republic of Serbia;
  • that you had registered permanent residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia for at least three years without interruption before submitting the application;
  • that you submit a signed statement that you consider the Republic of Serbia to be your country.

Applications for acquisition and termination of the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia are decided upon by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia in accordance with its competences as provided for by the Law.

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