The Saint Lucia CIP is the youngest citizenship programme within the region, with the first citizenship programme in the caribbean having been established over 35 years ago. The fiscal year 2021/2022 marks the sixth year of operations for the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment Programme. The Government of Saint Lucia has recently published CIP Annual report for the year 2021/2022 recording the statistics of the programme.

According to the Annual report published by the Government, the year 2021/22 remained best year on record for the Saint Lucia Citizenship by Investment  realizing an increase in citizenship applications by 152% from the previous fiscal year 2020/2021 with a total of 583 applications file for this year. A total of 91 CIP applications were denied since Jan 2016 – March 2022. The Citizens preferred investment option were Donation Fund (54.3%), Real estate(31.6%) and Government bonds(14.1%) for the current year. The CIP Unit has realized an upward trend in its performance over the past four (4) consecutive years which has resulted in an increased number of citizenship applications and financial contribution to the Government of Saint Lucia.

CIP Applications Received

Source: CIP Annual Report

The Citizenship by Investment Programme in Saint Lucia has generated a total of EC $268,342,032 for the period since January 2016 – March 2022.

The average processing time was 75 days maintained for 2021/22.

Granted Applications

Source: CIP Annual Report

  • Investment into the National Economic Fund – 80% of the investment amount made by an applicant is remitted to the Government of Saint Lucia through the National Economic Fund. The other 20% of the investment amount is retained by the Citizenship by Investment Unit for the purpose of marketing the programme globally
  • Government Bonds – 100% of the bond amount made by an applicant is remitted to the Government of Saint Lucia and managed by the Ministry of Finance.
  • Investment into Real Estate (CIP approved real estate project) – 100% of the Real Estate amount made by an applicant is remitted to an escrow account and managed by an approved escrow agent for the construction of the Real Estate property as identified by the applicant. The Applicant (now a citizen of Saint Lucia) would be issued the title deed to the property

CIP Investments

EC$ (millions)DonationReal EstateBonds


Non-nationals are required to obtain an alien landholding licence (ALHL) to acquire or lease property in St. Lucia. These applications were processed by Alien Landholding (Licensing) Department under the Citizenship by Investment Unit. During the said year, 48 Certificates of Eligibility were granted during the year and 29 Alien Landholding Licenses were granted during the year.

Download Annual Reports

Download the reports from the official website of the St.Lucia CIP unit.