In Turkish law, “citizenship” (vatandaşlık) is defined as a legal and political bond between a natural person and the state, while nationality (uyrukluk) has a broader meaning which includes legal persons (e.g.,corporations) and vessels such as aircraft and ships as well. Therefore, “nationality” would be a more accurate term for legal persons, vessels, and aircrafts, rather than “citizenship, despite both terms are used interchanged. Article 66 (1) of the Turkish Constitution7 states that “every person tied to the Turkish state with the bond of nationality is Turkish. Dual nationality was actually encouraged by the 1981 Amendment to the Turkish Nationality Act.

The Acquisition of Turkish citizenship is regulated in two ways: at birth or by later acquisition. fulfill the requirements specified in Turkish Citizenship Law, you can acquire Turkish Citizenship upon the decision of the relevant authority.


Turkey has not adopted the right to acquire citizenship based on birth place. Therefore, being born in Turkey will not provide any right in terms of citizenship. Citizenship at birth is based on kinship. A person may be a Turkish citizen at birth only if one of his/her parents is a Turkish citizen. Child of a Turkish mother or father is automatically a Turkish citizen. However, adults whose mother and/or father is a Turkish citizen but who were not registered to a civil registry office until they turn 18 may be registered as a Turkish citizen if it is decided by the Ministry upon an examination that they have acquired Turkish citizenship

Stateless / Resident

Apply for Turkish citizenship if you reside in Turkey with a stateless person identity document or as a resident for 5 years without interruption. However, additional conditions such as a good command of Turkish, good morals and not being diagnosed with a disease that may constitute hazard to general health are also required


If you are married to a Turkish citizen for at least 3 years and your marriage is sustaining, you can apply for Turkish citizenship. If your spouse dies after your application, the requirement of unity
of family is not sought any more.


Turkish Citizenship Law also contains provisions about acquisition of exceptional citizenship. Provided that you do not pose any threat to national security and public order, you may acquire Turkish citizenship upon the proposal of the Ministry of the Interior and the decision of the Cabinet. The following investments made by foreigners are eligible for turkish citizenship

  • Foreigners who are confirmed to have invested a fixed capital of minimum USD 500,000 by the Ministry of Industry and Technology,
  • Foreigners who purchase a real estate property with a minimum value of  400,000 USD or its equivalent in foreign currency and attached an annotation of no-sale for at least three (3) years at the relevant title registry; or who  purchases a real estate property which has a property ownership or a construction servitude on it, with a preliminary sale contract executed before a notary public and at least 400.000 USD or amount of foreign currency is paid in advance and such notarized preliminary sale contract shall be recorded at the relevant title registry with the undertaking not to transfer or assign the agreement for a period of three (3) years as determined by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. (The request for a monetary floor of 400.000 USD is made as of 13.06.2022. Until this date, it was 250.000 USD).
  • Foreigners who are confirmed to have created employment for at least 50 people by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services,
  • Foreigners who are confirmed to have deposited minimum USD 500,000 or an equivalent of the same to Turkish Lira in a bank that operates in Turkey by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency provided that it will be kept in the
    account for three years,
  • Foreigners who are confirmed to have purchased and held for three years real estate investment fund participation shares or venture capital investment fund participation shares worth minimum USD 500,000 by Capital Markets Board,
  • Foreigners who are confirmed to have purchased state borrowing instruments worth minimum USD 500,000 on the condition of holding them for three years by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, may apply for exceptional Turkish
