St.Kitts Public Benefit Option for CBI

St Kitts and Nevis

The Revised regulations of  Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme in St Kitts and Nevis were recently amended with elements aimed at benefiting local businesses and entrepreneurs and nationals in the diaspora. As a result a new Public benefit option (PBO) has been introduced as new option under the CBI for investment.

Under the Public Benefit Option, the Cabinet can allocate public benefit units to an Approved Public Benefactor to be sold on the international market for no less than US$175,000 per unit. Purchasers of public benefit units can then apply to the CBI Unit to become citizens of St Kitts and Nevis.

Innovators in St.Kitts and in the diaspora, to benefit and raise capital through CBI. Any person can apply to the CBI Board of Governors to be designated as an Approved Public Benefactor. Under this option, once the applicant can prove that his or her business idea can bring substantial benefit to the people of St Kitts and Nevis; maximize local employment; and transfer technology and local capacity building, then that business idea will be considered

Applications from interested parties can be submitted to the Citizenship by Investment Unit, situated at the Ministry of Finance Building (First Floor), Golden Rock, Basseterre.

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