Citizenship deprivation can occur for fraud. Many countries have strict laws for withdrawal of citizenship. We have compiled full list of countries revoking citizenship based on fraud, false representation or concealment of information.

CountryArticle in lawProcedureConditionsCategory
AfghanistanNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
AlbaniaALB 13(1)WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship based on incorrect data or falsified documents.Generally applicable provision
AlgeriaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
AngolaANG 17(2)(c) and (d)LapsePerson is a naturalised citizen who acquired citizenship through fraud or by inducing errors in authorities or on the basis of marriage or de facto union that is simulated, ill faith etc.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Antigua and BarbudaANT 8, 9(1), 9(2)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss cannot result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
ArgentinaDecree 3213/84 (15)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by option or naturalisation based on false facts. The judge must apply the rules of due process.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
ArmeniaARM 23(2)LapsePerson has acquired citizenship through false information or documents, unless more than five years have passed since citizenship was acquired.Generally applicable provision
AustraliaAUS 34WithdrawalPerson became a citizen by descent (born abroad to an Australian citizen) or intercountry adoption (AUS 34(1)), or by conferral (AUS 34(2)), and the person has been convicted of a fraud offence or gained citizenship as a result of third party fraud and the Minister is satisfied that it would be contrary to the public interest for the person to remain a citizen. If person acquired citizenship by conferral, revocation extends to serious offences of a fraudulent nature committed after the application to become an Australian citizen, and ‘migration-related fraud’.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
AustriaAUT 24NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on a faked document or wrong information, criminal activity, or by fraud in some other way. Based on General Law on Administrative Procedures. Generally applicable provision
AzerbaijanAZE 18WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by intentionally falsifying necessary information or by submitting a false document.Generally applicable provision
BahamasConst. 11(1), BAH 11(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration, naturalisation or automatically via operation of Const. Arts 3(3) and 4 based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BahrainBAH 8(a) NullificationPerson has acquired citizenship by deception or based on false statements or has hidden substantial information.Generally applicable provision
BangladeshBAN 16(2), 16(5) and 1926 Act, 8(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired his/her certificate of domicile or certificate of naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Government must be satisfied that deprivation is in the public interest, but loss can result in statelessness. Generally applicable provision
BarbadosBAR 9(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BelarusBEL 21,22WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on admittedly false data or fake documents.Generally applicable provision
BelgiumBEL 23(1)(1)WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship other than by birth and has acquired citizenship by means of false representation, use of forged documents or concealment of facts which would have precluded the granting of citizenship (expiration period of 5 years).Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BelizeBEL 21(1)cWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration based on fraud, false representation, the concealment of material circumstances, or by mistake. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BeninBEN 62-63WithdrawalPerson does not in fact fulfil the conditions for naturalisation, or has knowingly made a false declaration for naturalisation or reacquisition. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BhutanBHU 6bWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BoliviaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBiH 23(1)WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship of BiH by fraud or concealment of any relevant fact.Generally applicable provision
BotswanaBOT 18(b)(i)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Brazil BRA 75WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on fraud. Citizenship can only be nullified by means of a judicial decision. Loss can result in statelessness. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BruneiBRU 11(2), 11(6)WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by registration or naturalisation and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact, or was granted citizenship by mistake. Loss needs to be conducive to the public good. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
BulgariaBUL 22NullificationPerson has acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false data and facts, and/or has concealed facts that could have justified a negative decision, and/or has not maintained for at least two years the investments which were the ground for citizenship acquisition (time limit: 10 years unless person has participated in terrorism). Provision does not apply if person would thereby become stateless.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Burkina FasoBUF 199LapsePerson has knowingly made a false declaration or presented false documents to acquire citizenship. Implications are not clear in the legislation.Generally applicable provision
BurundiBUR 33(a)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen who has acquired citizenship by fraud, corruption of a public servant or any other illegal procedure.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
CambodiaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
CameroonCAM 39(3)WithdrawalIt becomes apparent within one year that the person did not fulfil the conditions required by the law to be naturalised or to reacquire citizenship. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
CanadaCAN 10WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on false representation, fraud, or concealment of material facts. Loss can result in statelessness.Generally applicable provision
Cape VerdeNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Central African RepublicCAR 63WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship by submitting documents with false information or through fraudulent means. Decree of withdrawal must take place within 2 years of discovery of fraud and person has the right to make representations.Generally applicable provision
ChadCHA 27(1)WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by naturalisation who acquired citizenship by fraud or by inducing error by the authorities (deprivation is by decree).Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
ChileNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
ChinaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
ColombiaCOL 20(a), 21NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false information (time limit: 10 years). Loss can result in statelessness.Generally applicable provision
ComorosCOM 68WithdrawalPerson has knowingly made a false declaration or presented documents with incorrect information, or used fraudulent means to acquire citizenship. The decree of withdrawal must take place within 2 years of acquisition.Generally applicable provision
Congo – BrazzavilleNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Congo – Kinshasa (DR)DRC 28WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by fraud, on the basis of an erroneous or deceitful declaration, by deception, through false documentation or by bribing or blackmailing a person responsible for the process of the acquisition of citizenship. Generally applicable provision
Costa RicaCOS 18NullificationPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on fraud. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Cote d‘IvoireNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
CroatiaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
CubaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
CyprusCYP 113(2)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation and has intentionally provided false or misleading information or held back information which was decisive for the acquisition of citizenship.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Czech RepublicCZE 39, Code of Administrative Procedure.WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by fraud.Generally applicable provision
DenmarkDEN 8AWithdrawalPerson has intentionally provided false or misleading information or held back information which was decisive for the acquisition of citizenship.Generally applicable provision
DjiboutiNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
DominicaConst 101(a), DOM 10(1)-10(2)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Dominican RepublicDOR 12, Par. I, Par. IIhWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on false documents or documents belonging to someone else. Loss can result in statelessness.Generally applicable provision
East TimorTIM 14-2(d), NR 17Nullification.Person is a citizen by naturalisation and has obtained Timorese citizenship by forging documents, using fraudulent means or, through any other means, inducing the Timorese authorities in error.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
EcuadorNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
EgyptEGY 15 NullificationNationality can only be lost/deprived from a naturalised citizen and only possible within certain number of years after naturalisation. Crimes include for example a crime against honour or against the security of the State.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
El SalvadorNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Equatorial GuineaEQG 14WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and is convicted in court of fraud in establishing the conditions for naturalisation.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
EritreaERI 3(3), 8(2)(a)WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship by fraud, deceit or concealment of decisive facts.Generally applicable provision
EstoniaEST 28(1)(4)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation or reacquisition based on false information and thereby conceals facts which would have precluded the grant or reacquisition of citizenship. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
EthiopiaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
FijiCitizenship of Fiji Act 2009 s 17(2)(a)WithdrawalCitizenship by registration or naturalization was obtained by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
FinlandFIN 33(1), 33(3), 33(4)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by declaration or naturalisation by providing false or misleading information, or withholding relevant information decisive for the acquisition of citizenship (time limit: 5 years). Consideration of the person’s situation, culpability of the act, circumstances in which fraud is committed and his/her ties with Finland, and, for minors, age. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
FranceFRA 27-2WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship by declaration, naturalisation or reacquisition while failing to meet statutory requirements or based on misrepresentation or fraud (limit: two years after discovery).Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GabonGAB 36WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false documents or by inducing an error by the responsible authorities.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GambiaConst 13(1)(b), GAM 11(1)(a)WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by naturalisation or registration and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GeorgiaGEO 21WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by presenting false documents.Generally applicable provision
GermanyGER 35WithdrawalPerson acquired, or has been allowed to retain, citizenship by wilful deceit, threat, bribe or by giving wilfully wrong or incomplete information (time limit: 10 years). Generally applicable provision
GhanaConst 9(3)(b), GHA 18(b)WithdrawalPerson is a citizen otherwise than by birth or adoption and citizenship was acquired by fraud, misrepresentation or any other irregular or improper practice. Application for a deprivation order is made to the High Court by the Attorney General.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GreeceGPALWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on false information or fraud (provision based on general principle of administrative law). Generally applicable provision
GrenadaConst 99(2), GRE 9(2)aWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GuatemalaGUA 22WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on false documentation. Loss can result in statelessness.Generally applicable provision
GuineaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Guinea BissauBIS 10(2)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and has acquired citizenship by fraudulent means.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
GuyanaConst 48(1)b, GUY 11(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
HaitiNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
HondurasConst 29(2), HON 65(4)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false declarations or documents. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
HungaryHUN 9WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship, otherwise than by birth, due to false information or fraud in the acquisition procedure (time limit: 10 years). Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
IcelandNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
IndiaIND 10(2)aWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship under mode A06 or A19 and became a citizen by fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Government must be convinced that deprivation is conducive to the public good.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
IndonesiaIND 28NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false or invalid information or because of an error on the part of the authorities.Generally applicable provision
IranNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
IraqIRQ 15 WithdrawalPerson provided wrong information concerning himself or his family upon submitting the application for acquiring citizenship.Generally applicable provision
IrelandIRE 19(1)(a)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material facts or circumstances. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
IsraelISR 11(a); ISR 11(b)(2)Nullification;NullificationPerson acquired citizenship on the basis of false particulars within the past three years and this is proven to the satisfaction of the Minister of the Interior; Person acquired citizenship on the basis of false particulars and more than three years have elapsed since (citizenship is revoked by Administrative Court at the request of the Minister of the Interior).Generally applicable provision
ItalyGPALWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation, recognition of paternity or adoption that was based on fraud (void marriage, void adoption, false documents etc). Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
JamaicaConst 11b, JAM 8(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
JapanNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
JordanJOR 19(2), Art. 10 Cabinet decision Nr. 6800 of October 2, 2019WithdrawalThe Council of Ministers may, with the approval of His Majesty, cancel the naturalization certificate if fraud/forgery appears in the data used to obtain the naturalization certificate. Art. 10 Cabinet decision of October 2, 2019, Nr. 6800 specifies that if any of the conditions listed to obtain investment nationality are breached, then that nationality will be withdrawn.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
KazakhstanKAZ 21WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship through submission of false information or fake documents.Generally applicable provision
KenyaConst 17(a), KEN 21WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by registration and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation, or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
KiribatiCitizenship Act 1979 s 8(2)WithdrawalPerson found by court to have obtained citizenship by false representation, fraud or concealment of material fact loses citizenship, unless Minister is satisfied that the offence was of a minor nature and the true facts would not have affected grant of naturalisationLoss only applies to certain categories of citizens
KosovoKOS 18(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on false statements or concealed facts.Generally applicable provision
KuwaitKUW 13(1) NullificationPerson acquired naturalisation by virtue of fraud or on the basis of a false declaration.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
KyrgyzstanKYR 26WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by intentionally providing false information or false documents.Generally applicable provision
LaosLAO 24(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation and in contravention of the law (time limit: within 5 years after naturalisation). Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
LatviaLAT 24(1)(3), 24(3), 24(4)WithdrawalPerson has knowingly provided false information when verifying a right to hold citizenship of Latvia, or when acquiring citizenship by naturalisation. Time limit: 10 years, unless person has been convicted for any of the international crimes referred to in Article 5 of the ICC Statute, or person holds citizenship of a country not referred to in LAT 9(1), clauses 1-4.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
LebanonNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
LesothoLES 23(2)WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by registration or naturalisation and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
LiberiaLIB 21.50WithdrawalPerson is a citizen by naturalisation and acquired citizenship through concealment of a material fact or misrepresentation, or was not eligible for citizenship or to reside in Liberia, or was not of good moral character or was an anarchist or not attached to the principles of the constitution, or acquisition of citizenship was based on a manifest error of law or fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
LibyaLIB 12 NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false information, fraudulent documents or non-disclosure of information related.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
LiechtensteinLIE 21WithdrawalPerson has provided false information or has acquired citizenship by fraud.Generally applicable provision
LithuaniaLIT 24(5)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by means of forged documents or any other fraud.Generally applicable provision
LuxembourgLUX 62WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship, otherwise than by descent, by providing false information, dissimulation or fraud in the acquisition procedure. Provision does not apply if person would thereby become stateless.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MacedoniaMAC 14WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation, based on false or incorrect information, or forged documents.


Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MadagascarMAD 62-63WithdrawalPerson is naturalised citizen and it becomes apparent that he or she did not fulfil the requirements or had knowingly made a false declaration or presented a false document or used fraudulent means to acquire citizenship.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MalawiMWI 25(1)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen who acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MalaysiaConst 26, 26B(2)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact, or acquisition was effected or granted by mistake. Government must be satisfied that deprivation is conducive to the public good. Loss due to fraud can result in statelessness. Loss due to mistake cannot result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MaliMAL 245WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised or reintegrated citizen and it becomes apparent that s/he did not satisfy the conditions or knowingly made a false declaration, presented false documents or employed fraudulent means to acquire citizenship.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MaltaMAL 14(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship, by registration or naturalisation, by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Marshall IslandsCitizenship Act 1984 <a4>407(a)ReleaseCitizenship by registration or naturalisation may be cancelled if person concealed a material fact or made a wilful misrepresentation in his or her application.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MauritaniaMRT 22 NullificationPerson obtained citizenship by fraud. Time limit: within 2 years after naturalisation.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MauritiusMAU 11(2)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen who has acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact. Provided that s/he shall not become stateless.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MexicoMEX 36, REG 41-42NullificationPerson committed perjury and/or presented forged documents during the application for naturalisation. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MicronesiaCitizenship and Naturalisation Act <a4> 205(2)NullificationNaturalisation may be cancelled by court order within 5 years of discovery that it was obtained through concealment of a material fact or wilful misrepresentation. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
MoldovaMOL 23(1)(a)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by means of fraudulent conduct, false information or concealment of any relevant fact.Generally applicable provision
MongoliaMON 15(1)(3)LapsePerson has acquired citizenship based on false information or documents.Generally applicable provision
MontenegroMON 24(2)WithdrawalPerson has intentionally provided false or misleading information or held back information, which was decisive for the acquisition of citizenship. Provision does not apply if person would thereby become stateless.Generally applicable provision
MoroccoMOR 14NullificationPerson has obtained citizenship by fraud.Generally applicable provision
MozambiqueNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
MyanmarMYA 18, 36, 59WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Generally applicable provision
NamibiaNAM 9(2)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and the minister is satisfied that citizenship was acquired by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact. Other conditions: person shall not be rendered stateless.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
NauruNaoero Citizenship Act 2017 s 23(1)WithdrawalCabinet can cancel persons citizenship by residency or marriage where obtained by fraud, bribery, misrepresentation or concealment of material fact. Constitution s 75(2), (3) permit parliament to make laws for the deprivation of citizenship only for those who acquire citizenship otherwise than by birth or marriage.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
NepalNEP 12WithdrawalPerson obtained citizenship by submitting false documentation.Generally applicable provision
NetherlandsNET 14(1)NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false information or fraud in procedure (time limit: 12 years, unless the person is convicted for one of the offences referred to in articles 6, 7 or 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court).Generally applicable provision
New ZealandNEZ 17WithdrawalPerson’s registration, naturalisation, grant of citizenship or any other grant requirement was procured by fraud, false representation or wilful concealment of relevant information, or by mistake. If citizenship was acquired by mistake, deprivation is not possible if that would render the person stateless.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
NicaraguaNIC 64(4)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false information.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
NigerNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
NigeriaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
North KoreaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
NorwayNOR 26WithdrawalPerson has provided incorrect or incomplete information against his or her better judgment or has suppressed circumstances of substantial importance for the decision granting, or allowing to retain, citizenship.Generally applicable provision
OmanOMA 21(2)WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship illegally. Generally applicable provision
PakistanPAK 16(2), 16(5) and 1926 Act, 8(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired his/her certificate of domicile or certificate of naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Government must be satisfied that deprivation is in the public interest, but loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Palau Citizenship Act <a4> 143WithdrawalCourt may revoke naturalisation illegally procured or obtained by concealment of material fact or wilful misrepresentation Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
PanamaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Papua New GuineaConstitution ss 70(2), 70(4)WithdrawalSection 70(2) Loss of citizenship if found by a court to have obtained citizenship by false representation, fraud or concealment of a material fact, unless Minister is satisfied the offence was of a minor nature and would not have affected grant of naturalisation. Section 70(4) Minister can withdraw citizenship by sporting achievement or investment if obtained by false representation. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
ParaguayNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
PeruNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
PhilippinesCommonwealth Act no. 473, 18aWithdrawalPerson obtained naturalisation by fraud or illegal means.Generally applicable provision
PolandNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
PortugalPOR 16, 18 in conjunction with art. 87-88 Civil Registry CodeNullificationPersons acquired citizenship based on false information or a non-existent fact.Generally applicable provision
QatarQAT 12(1) NullificationPerson acquired citizenship by fraud.Generally applicable provision
RomaniaROM 25(1)cWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship due to fraud. Generally applicable provision
RussiaRUS 22, 23NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false documents or false information. It has to be judicially established whether fraud has taken place, upon which the authority which took the decision about the acquisition of citizenship annuls that decision. The annulment is effective from the day when the decision to annul is taken. Generally applicable provision
RwandaRWA 19(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired or recovered citizenship in accordance with the law but by false statements or documents, fraud, corruption, etc.Generally applicable provision
Saint Kitts and NevisConst 94(d), STK 8, 9(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Saint LuciaConst 103b, STL 9(2)aWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesConst 94b, STV 14(2)aWithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
SamoaCitizenship Act 2004 s 17; Citizenship Investment Act 2015 s19(f);
Citizenship Investment Act 2015 s19(a),(b)
Withdrawal;WithdrawalMinister can order a person be deprived of citizenship if it was obtained by means of fraud, false representation, concealment of any material fact or mistake. For citizenship by investment only: Person or family member provided false or misleading statement or information upon which the application was granted.;
Citizenship by investment may be cancelled if investor fails to carry out the qualifying investment or maintain pre-determined net worth.
Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Sao Tome and PrincipeNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
Saudi ArabiaSAU 22WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship through cheating, lying or falsifying witnesses, documents or information.Generally applicable provision
SenegalNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
SerbiaSER 45NullificationPerson has intentionally provided false or misleading information or held back information, which was decisive for the acquisition of citizenship. Provision does not apply if person would thereby become stateless.Generally applicable provision
SeychellesSEY 11WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and the Minister is satisfied that citizenship has been acquired by fraud, false representation or concealment of material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Sierra LeoneNo provision (But see mode L08)n.a.n.a.No provision
SingaporeConst 129(2), 129(7)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact, or acquisition was effected or granted by mistake. Government must be satisfied that deprivation is conducive to the public good. Loss due to fraud can result in statelessness. Loss due to mistake cannot result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
SlovakiaSLK 8(b)1NullificationPerson acquired citizenship with falsified documents or documents that did not belong to him/her, or the person failed to inform the authorities of facts that could have substantial influence on the decision, or citizenship was acquired as a result of a crime, or the documents to acquire citizenship were obtained through criminal action.Generally applicable provision
SloveniaSLN 16(1)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false declarations or deliberate concealment of essential facts or circumstances. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Solomon IslandsCitizenship Act 2018 s 25(1)WithdrawalPerson gave false or misleading information in application for citizenship, which would have lead to refusal of application Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
SomaliaSOM 11(1)(a)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen who acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
South AfricaSA 8(1)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact, or certificate was granted in conflict with the law.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
South KoreaROK 21WithdrawalPerson (re)acquired citizenship by deceit or other wrongful means.Generally applicable provision
South SudanSSU 15(2)(a)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and has acquired citizenship by fraud, misrepresentation of a material fact, or provision of false information.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
SpainSPA 25(2)NullificationPerson acquired citizenship, other than by birth (‘de origen’), by fraud, falsity, or concealment of information (time limit: 15 years). Loss does not have detrimental effects on third parties in good faith.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Sri LankaNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
SudanSUD 6(2), 11(1)(a)WithdrawalPerson obtained recognition of citizenship by birth or acquired citizenship by naturalisation through fraud, forgery, misrepresentation or concealment of any material fact.Generally applicable provision
SurinameNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
SwazilandConst 49(1)(a), 54WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and acquisition is declared by a court to have been procured by fraud, misrepresentation or concealment of material facts. Citizenship Board may also revoke a certificate of citizenship for good cause.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
SwedenNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
SwitzerlandSWI 36NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on false information or concealment of relevant facts (time limit: 8 years and withdrawal must take place within 2 years after discovery fraudulent behaviour). Generally applicable provision
SyriaSYR 20 NullificationPerson acquired citizenship by fraud.Generally applicable provision
TaiwanTAI 19WithdrawalPerson has acquired citizenship in a manner not in conformity with the Citizenship Act. Citizenship can be revoked within two years of discovering. Citizenship may not be revoked if five years or more have passed since citizenship was acquired, unless it concerns a fraudulent marriage or adoption. Generally applicable provision
TajikistanTAJ 24NullificationPerson acquired citizenship on the basis of intentionally false information and forged documents (as established by a court). Time limit: within 5 years of acquisition.Generally applicable provision
TanzaniaTAN 15(1)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
TogoTOG 41WithdrawalPerson has knowingly made a false declaration, presented documents containing false information or used fraudulent means to acquire naturalisation.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
TongaNationality Act s 12(1)WithdrawalKing may order the revocation of certificate of naturalisation obtained by false representation or fraudLoss only applies to certain categories of citizens
Trinidad and TobagoTRI 14(2)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by registration or naturalisation based on fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
TunisiaTUN 36-37WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and it is discovered within a period of 2 years from the date of acquisition that he/she has not fulfiled the requirements for naturalisation or committed fraud in the naturalisation process.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
TurkeyTUR 31NullificationPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false information or concealment of relevant facts. Generally applicable provision
TurkmenistanTUR 17WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship as a result of the submission of intentionally false information or forged documents.Generally applicable provision
TuvaluCitizenship Act s 7(5)WithdrawalFound by a court to have obtained citizenship by false statement may be deprived of citizenship, unless the offence is of a minor nature and would not have affected the grant of registration or naturalisationLoss only applies to certain categories of citizens
UgandaUGA 17(1)(c)WithdrawalPerson is a naturalised citizen and has acquired citizenship by fraud, deceit, bribery or intentional false statements.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
UkraineUKR 19(2);

UKR 21

Withdrawal;NullificationPerson has acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false information or by deliberately supplying false documents. Citizenship is lost from the moment the decision about loss is adopted;

Person has acquired citizenship pursuant to UKR 8 (territorial origin) or UKR 10 (re-acquisition of citizenship) based on false information, deliberately supplied false documents or concealment of relevant facts that would have prevented the acquisition of citizenship.

Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
United Arab EmiratesUAE 16(2) NullificationPerson acquired citizenship based on forged data, fraud or deception.Generally applicable provision
United KingdomUK 40(3)WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by declaration or naturalisation as a result of fraud, false representation or concealment of relevant facts. Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
United States of AmericaINA 340(a)NullificationPerson’s naturalisation was illegally procured or procured by concealment of a material fact or wilful misrepresentation. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
UruguayNo provisionn.a.n.a.No provision
UzbekistanUZB 21WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship on the basis of deliberate false information or forged documents.Generally applicable provision
VanuatuCitizenship Act s 14(2);
Citizenship (Entitled Persons) Act s7(a)
Nullification;ReleasePerson will cease to be a citizen if found by a court to have obtained citizenship by false representation, fraud or concealment of a material fact. Citizenship ceases 30 days after such finding, unless during that time the Prime Minister publishes a declaration confirming citizenship on the grounds he or she is satisfied that the offence was of a minor nature and that the revealing of the true facts would not have affected the grant of naturalization.;
Declaration by court that person was ineligible for registration as a citizen by descent.
Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
VenezuelaVEN 41, 43, 48(8)NullificationPerson is a citizen by naturalisation who acquired citizenship based on false documents (time limit: 10 years). Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
VietnamVIE 33WithdrawalPerson acquired citizenship by naturalisation based on false declarations or forged papers (time limit: 10 years). Place of residence is immaterial. Loss can result in statelessness.Loss only applies to certain categories of citizens
YemenYEM 18(c) NullificationPerson has given inaccurate testimonies relating to acquisition of citizenship.Generally applicable provision
ZambiaConst 40(1)(b), ZAM 28WithdrawalPerson obtained citizenship by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of a material fact.Generally applicable provision
ZimbabweConst 39(1)(a) and (2)(a), ZIM 11(1) and (2)(a)WithdrawalPerson obtained recognition or acquired citizenship by fraud, false representation or the concealment of any material fact.Generally applicable provision

Source: Globalcit