The Citizenship by Investment Unit of Dominica has updated the list of countries applying for its CBI program. For applications for citizenship, you must be at least 18 years of age, of good character, without a criminal record, and able and willing to make the required contribution and pass the background checks.
With immediate effect (May 2022), all nationals from Syria and Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) are banned from applying for the citizenship by investment programme of the Commonwealth of Dominica. This includes specific nationals from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, namely nationals from the cities of Erbil, Amedi, Dahuk, Kirkuk, Lalish, Raniya, Soran, Sulaymaniyah and Zakho.
Here is the list of banned countries..
- Russia
- Belarus
- Iran
- North Korea*
- Sudan** Certain exceptions apply
Application from citizens of North Korea and Sudan will be refused unless the applicant has (1) not lived in these countries for at least ten years, (2) no substantial assets there, and (3) not performed any business or similar activity, in whole or in part, in or with the countries.
Enhanced due diligence may apply to all applicants who meet the above requirement, with the cost to be born on the applicant.
As of March 2022, the Unit will refuse the submission of any new applications submitted on behalf of Russian and Belarusian nationals with immediate effect. The Dominica CBIU will continue to process the already submitted applications.