Which CBI has visa free to China?

China passport

Investor passport holders from two CBI countries in the Caribbean – Dominica and Grenada can travel to China visa free. These two countries have signed special visa waiver agreements with People’s Republic of China for business, travel or tourism for stays upto maximum of 30 days.

Hence these two are exclusive citizenship by investment programs. All other CBI programs including European ones (eg. Malta, Turkey, Montenegro, Bulgaria) do not have any visa waiver arrangements with China.

  • Grenada –  Visa exemption treaty in force from Jun 10, 2015
  • Dominica – Mutual visa waiver agreement signed on November 22, 2021

Important to note that according to the visa agreements, holders of valid specified passports are permitted to stay for less than 30 days upon entry into the other contracting country. If a passport holder intends to stay for over 30 days, he or she should go through residence formalities with the local authorities according to relevant regulations as soon as possible.

A foreign citizen who is transiting through China by air is exempted from a visa if he/she will stay only inside the airport (without entering the boder control) for no more than 24 hours and has a valid connecting ticket with confirmed seating on an international flight.

The list of visa exemption agreements signed by China is available here

 CBI passport  China visa waiver
Antigua and Barbuda No
Bulgaria No
Cyprus No
Dominica Yes
Grenada Yes
Malta No
Montenegro No
Moldova No
St Kitts and Nevis No
Saint Lucia No
Turkey No
Vanuatu No

Caribbean Passport

It is possible to acquire instant citizenship by investing in these two countries in real estate or by donation. Dominica is by far the cheapest starting from $100,000. Real estate starts from $200,000 onwards.

Dominica does not have E-2 visa treaty with United States, which Grenada does (can be slightly expensive investment).


Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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