FAQ’s on ETIAS Launching in mid 2025

European Commission

Starting in mid-2025, some 1.4 billion people from over 60 visa-exempt countries are required to have a travel authorisation to enter most European countries.

The ETIAS is an online travel authorization system which is expected to be operational by Q2 2025. It will apply on visa waiver travelers from 60 countries (including US, Canada) who will be visiting the Schengen area. ETIAS is not a visa. If you are traveling from of these 60+ countries below under visa waiver agreement using your passport, you have to apply for ETIAS online application (costs €7 fee) prior to travel.

We have compiled some important answers to the most important frequently asked questions

What is ETIAS?

In November 2016, the European Commission proposed to establish an European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) to strengthen security checks on those persons who travel visa-free to the EU, currently nationals from over 60 countries.

ETIAS will play a key role  on security, irregular migration and public health. It will significantly contribute to closing existing security information gaps. It will help Member States’ authorities to spot individuals that may pose risks and take action before they reach Schengen’s external borders.

Prior to boarding, air and sea carriers, as well as carriers transporting groups overland by coach will have to verify the status of the travel document required for entering the Schengen Area, including the requirement to hold a valid ETIAS travel authorisation

How to apply for ETIAS?

Travellers will have to complete an online application via EU official website or an app for mobile devices. It should take 10 minutes and you have to upload necessary documents.

Who will need ETIAS?

Nationals of any of these visa-exempt countries/territories need to apply for an ETIAS travel authorisation.

ETIAS required countries

Source: European Commission.

How much time will it take?

The automated approval which will be communicated to them within minutes of payment. In some cases, it may take upto 96h. Applicants will be given a response by email with a valid travel authorisation, or a justification for the refusal.

When is it operational?

ETIAS is expected to be operational likely from Q2 2025. The exact date will be announced soon.

How much it will cost?

An electronic payment of a €7 fee for each application will be required for all applicants between the ages of 18 and 70

Can i appeal refusals?

If the travel authorisation is refused, the applicant retains the right to appeal. Appeals can be launched in the Member State that has taken the decision on the application and in accordance with the national law of that Member State.

What is the validity period of ETIAS?

The validity of the travel authorisation will be 3 years (or until the expiry date of the travel document).

Can ETIAS be revoked?

Yes, it may be revoked or annulled should the conditions for issuing the travel authorisation no longer apply.

What Security Databases are checked?

When verifying and assessing the information submitted by visa-exempt travellers, the system will automatically cross-check each application against the existing EU information systems:

  • Schengen Information System (SIS),
  • Visa Information System (VIS)
  • Europol data
  • Eurodac database (once the Eurodac recast is in place),
  • Entry/Exit System (EES),
  • Interpol databases: Interpol Stolen and Lost Travel Document database (SLTD), o the Interpol Travel Documents Associated with Notices database (TDAWN),
  • Dedicated ETIAS watch list and specific risk indicators.

How is my personal data handled for privacy?

ETIAS is developed in line with the highest standards of data protection

Personal data recorded in ETIAS will not be kept for longer than is necessary for its purpose. Data shall be stored for: – the period of validity of the travel authorisation or,  five years from the last decision to refuse, revoke or annul the travel authorisation. The data could be stored for an additional period of no more than three years after the end of the period of validity of the travel authorisation if the applicant freely and explicitly consents to keep his or her data longer. After the expiry of the data retention period, the application file and personal data will be automatically deleted from the ETIAS Central System.

Does ETIAS also apply to non-schengen countries?

The ETIAS Regulation applies to Member States that are part of the Schengen area, including those which do not yet fully apply the Schengen acquis, i.e. Croatia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania.

Will ETIAS also apply to CBI programs?

Yes, ETIAS will also apply to CBI countries. These countries are Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montenegro, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and Vanuatu. ETIAS will not apply to Malta, Bulgaria passports. Turkish nationals require a schengen visa.

Does ETIAS apply for UK nationals?

Yes, UK visitors will also need to apply online.

Will ETIAS apply to visa and residence permit holders from schengen states?

No it will not apply. Holders of Visas and residence permits issued by schengen states will be exempted from ETIAS.

Can i apply for ETIAS through a proxy?

Yes you can. Either apply for your ETIAS travel authorisation yourself, or you can nominate a third party – another person or a commercial intermediary – to do so on your behalf.

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