Germany is a highly developed nation and a european superpower, welcomes entrepreneurs from third world countries, bringing their innovations and business ideas to Germany.

We will quickly explain you how to get Germany residency the cheapest way possible. Germany’s residency program should not be confused with golden visa program (Germany does not have one).

Under the conditions of § 21 of the German Residence Act, entrepreneurs and investors from outside of the EU can obtain a residence permit in Germany for the purpose of self-employment or to practice a professional occupation such as freelancers.

The German Residence Act §21

The encouragement of innovation and entrepreneurship is a declared goal of the German Residence Act. Company founders, sole proprietorships, managing directors and legal representatives of partnerships and corporations are therefore particularly privileged by the provision of § 21 German Residence Act.

The Legal basis of entry of foreigners for freelancers and self employed persons  are specified in the

  • Sections 9 and 9a of the Residence Act
  • Section 17a of the Residence Act
  • Section 18 of the Residence Act
  • Section 18b of the Residence Act
  • Section 20 of the Residence Act
  • Section 21 of the Residence Act

Before a residence permit pursuant to §21 can be applied for, the business concept must be carefully examined and needs to be adapted to the law’s requirements. These preparations are often time-consuming, but they eventually pay off.

Minimum investment

There is no minimum investment. To qualify with high chance of visa approval, we tell clients to invest atleast 50,000€ capital  in a German business plus there are costs of immigration lawyer, which comes around 30,000€ (covers incorporation, business plan, taxes, accounting, immigration, family work etc). There are no hidden fees or additional costs.

Basic conditions

As self-employed persons, applicants can obtain a residence permit under simplified conditions. However, in order for the intended self-employment to be recognised under German law it must primarily meet three requirements:

  • Meet an economic interest or regional need,
  • Have a positive impact on the economy,
  • Financing must be secured by equity capital or a loan commitment.

The competent authority assesses whether these conditions are met based on a variety of criteria, such as:

  • Underlying business plan,
  • Business experience of the applicant,
  • Amount to be invested in Germany,
  • Businesses’ impact on the employment and training situation,
  • Project’s contribution to innovation and research.

The business concept must be carefully examined and needs to be adapted to the law’s requirements. These preparations are often time-consuming.

Real Estate

Germany does not have real estate residency program. It is not possible to acquire residence title in Germany solely based on real estate investment. Passive investments do not qualify

Family members

Spouses and minor children are entitled as a matter of principle to accompany third-country nationals to Germany or to subsequently immigrate to join them. Adequate accommodation and a secure livelihood are necessary in this connection. A person who is already in Germany and wishes to be joined by his or her partner must hold a valid residence title.

How to apply?

You can authorize a lawyer to handle all the process in Germany.  Later you can apply for long term D visa for self employment activities at the German consulate in your country.

Time frame

Please allow 4-6 months for the entire process to complete. Due to Covid, these timeframes are unpredictable.


The self-employed person can obtain a settlement permit after just three years of living.


It is possible to apply for German citizenship after just six years under certain conditions. Germany has the most powerful EU passports in the world. The EU citizenship conferred by Germany is well worth the wait and effort.