Portugal has announced a new facility for automatic renewal of residence permits online for foreigners and third country nationals already living in Portugal.
This automatic renewal service provided by SEF borders authority is not available for the following residence permit holders
- Study or volunteers
- Residence permit holders for investment activity (golden visa)
- Family members of EU citizens
- Permanent resident permit holders
- Permanent certificate holders (EU citizens)
The above categories of person cannot use the “automatic renewal” feature. They must proceed with the online scheduling for SEF bureau service in the menu “Appointments Schedule” in the ARI Website.
Once the application for renewal is submitted, no personal visit to SEF required, the permit will be sent to postal address. The fee is automatically calculated and paid online. The online portal allows change your address and introduce Tax ID number (NIF) if it is not registered yet. All other personal data changes (name, marital status, for example) you should contact SEF contact center.
Portugal has also announced temporary easing of air restrictions to EU member states, UK and other 12 countries that have close connections to Portugal.