The Investment immigration industry which consists of Citizenship by Investment (CBI) and Golden Visas (GV) is now worth $17 billion annually, according to our rough calculations.

This industry is expanding at at an unprecedented rate, due to global volatility and geo political activities (eg. Brexit, Hong Kong protests etc.) and the increasing demand for second residency and citizenships.

China, Russia, Turkey, Middle East, India and South Africa are the biggest market  for this industry.

  • Citizenship by Investment (CBI) – $5 billion
  • Golden Visa / Residence by Investment (RBI) – $12 billion
  • Total: $17 billion /annually


We did some calculations and have come with approximate rough estimates using the available statistics and data from Government statistics. Please note there are no official estimates for investment raised in the Caribbean from passport for sale schemes.

Citizenship / Passports

CBIInvestment raised per yearQuota per year
Cyprus€1.4 bn 700
Turkey$1 bnNone
Malta€1bn1800 (in total)
Caribbean$1bn*No quotas
Montenegro€0.25bn2000 (in total)
Bulgaria€25mNo quotas

*No official estimates available for Caribbean


Golden Visa Investment per yearAnnual Quota Limits
United States (EB-5)$5bn10,000
Canada Quebec$2.2bn1900
Greece€1bnNo limits
Portugal€0.7bnNo limits
United Kingdom£0.75bnNo limits
Ireland€0.2bn None