Pakistan is one among the few Asian countries, legally allows “limited” form dual citizenship based on international agreements. Pakistani nationals are allowed to hold dual citizenship with a total of 21 foreign countries as of Oct 2023. This is because Government of Pakistan has entered dual nationality arrangements with these countries. Two new countries Germany, Norway were added to the list. Citizens of these countries are not required to renounce their foreign nationality while acquiring Pakistani Citizenship. All other countries dual nationality is not permitted. Dual nationals are constitutionally prohibited from serving in the Parliament of Pakistan.

Pakistan lifted restrictions on dual nationality since 1972. The government negotiates bilateral dual nationality treaties with participating states, which each separately agree with Pakistan that the nationals of either country are not required to renounce their nationality before naturalising in the other. The primary law governing these requirements is the Pakistan Citizenship Act, 1951, which came into force on 13 April 1951.

Signed Agreements

The Government of Pakistan has signed agreements with below countries legally permitting dual or multiple citizenship.

1United Kingdom11Jordan
5Iceland15United States of America
7New Zealand17Ireland
10Egypt20Germany *

Source: Directorate of Immigration and Passports

Note: * Children of Pakistani parents who have grown up in Germany and who have due to their birth in Germany acquired German nationality in addition to their parent’s nationality from the other state. The latest updates for dual citizenship agreements entered by Pakistan is available from the Directorate of Immigration and Passports website.


It is possible to renounce the Pakistani citizenship. Applicants must apply at the concerned Foreign Mission of Pakistan and provide Form X for renouncing nationality. The Citizenship renouncing Fee is Rs.500/

Note: At present, none of the CBI (citizenship by investment) countries have negotiated dual nationality arrangements with Pakistan.