Automatic loss of citizenship when becoming a dual citizen

Dual citizenship

Dual citizenship regulations vary from one country to another and applies differently to children, adults. Rules may vary  for citizen by birth, naturalization or marriage.

If you are acquiring citizenship in these countries or you are a citizen of these countries acquiring citizenship in foreign country, you have to be careful to make sure you dont automatically lose your existing citizenship unknown to you.

Those who acquire second passports through citizenship by investment programs must double check whether your old country and new country agree with dual citizenship.

We have compiled a list of countries where automatic loss of citizenship occur when you become a dual citizen (ie. citizen of another foreign country)


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Dual nationality is strictly forbidden by Andorran law. On the other hand, Spanish law, though, recognizes dual nationality with Andorra.  If an Andorran citizen serves in the armed forces or government of another country or takes up a foreign citizenship, he/she automatically forfeits his/her Andorran citizenship. Former Andorran citizens may restore their former citizenship if their request to the government is successful.  Any Andorran may live in France without requesting a visa


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country, and the origin country is Party to Chapter 1 of the Strasbourg Convention.

An Austrian citizen who acquires another citizenship by voluntary action automatically loses Austrian citizenship. The exception is in cases where permission to retain Austrian citizenship has been obtained in advance. This may be difficult to obtain, as the aim of the lawgiver is to reduce the number of dual citizenships granted. Exceptions are made for situations where it is in the interest of the Republic of Austria to grant this dual citizenship (e.g. when somebody is a celebrity in arts, sports, science, economy etc.), or in situations where the citizen would suffer hardship due to not having the second citizenship. If, for example, an Austrian citizen wants to obtain U.S. citizenship because he/she lives in the U.S. and, without a U.S. citizenship, would lose their green card due to being made to travel more than 180 days per year by their employer, then if they apply for permission to retain Austrian citizenship, that request is usually granted and has become almost a formality.

The important part is that the application to retain Austrian citizenship is made before acquiring another citizenship. Otherwise the Austrian citizenship is automatically lost the moment a person obtains a foreign citizenship. The law can change at any time, however, especially should the power in the Austrian parliament shift dramatically after an election and a party opposed to the current law regains absolute majority.

Austrian citizenship is also automatically lost by serving in a foreign army.

Restoration of lost Austrian citizenship to Holocaust survivors and their descendants


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Dual citizenship is permitted under limited circumstances where the person is Bangladeshi not by naturalisation (in other words a Bangladeshi citizen of origin), and the other country which the person is a citizen of one of the following country(s): USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand or a European country. Such dual citizens of Bangladeshi origin can apply for a Dual Nationality Certificate which makes it legal to use a foreign passport; however people aren’t prosecuted for not applying for such certificate. It is also possible to enter Bangladesh as a person of Bangladeshi origin, or a spouse/children of a person of Bangladeshi origin via an NVR seal on their foreign passports; exceptions include citizens of SAARC countries.

Naturalised citizens are required to relinquish any foreign nationality, and the acquisition of a foreign nationality denaturalises such persons as Bangladeshi citizens.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

The Act’s sixth article provides the grounds for forfeiture of citizenship. Bhutanese nationals who become citizens of foreign countries where they reside; who have renounced Bhutanese nationality having settled abroad; who claim to be citizens of a foreign country or who pledge an oath of loyalty to that country; who have naturalized but have since left their agricultural land or stopped residing in Bhutan; or who are bona fide nationals but have stopped residing in Bhutan or failed to observe the laws of Bhutan all forfeit their Bhutanese nationality. This provision emphasizes continual residency as a requirement for citizenship and discourages residency abroad.

The Act’s seventh article provides further grounds for deprivation of citizenship. It states that the government may cancel Certificates of Nationality obtained on presentation of false information or omission of facts. It also provides that the government may deprive citizens of their citizenship without notice if they engage in activities or speech against the King or the people of Bhutan; if they conduct business with, correspond with, or aid enemies during war; and if they are imprisoned in any country for more than one year within five years of attaining Bhutanese nationality. Such a provision is an example of laws on fraud, sedition and treason as well as a policy against allowing serious criminals or convicted felons.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Central African Republic

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Chinese nationality is automatically lost (or terminated) when a person has settled abroad and pursues one of the following acts (Article 9):

  • Naturalizes as a citizen of another country (regardless of whether the naturalization is involuntary), or
  • Voluntarily acquires the nationality (through naturalization or registration) of another country.
    The term “settled” has the same definition as above.

Outside the circumstances of legally automatic loss of Chinese nationality under Article 9, Article 10 provides for voluntary termination of Chinese nationality under certain circumstances, discussed further below.

For example, a Chinese national who possesses Canadian permanent resident status and who naturalizes as a Canadian citizen loses his Chinese nationality upon the completion of his naturalization because he has voluntarily acquired Canadian citizenship while settled abroad (holding Canadian permanent residency), and any minor children under the age of 18 he might have also loses Chinese citizenship if the children have naturalized as Canadians along with their parent, regardless of whether the children’s acquisition of Canadian citizenship is against their will.

Article 9 is only applicable to Chinese nationals who acquire foreign citizenship while settled in a foreign country.

On the basis of the treaties relating to the return of Macau and Hong Kong to China and the Basic Laws of the territories, the National People’s Congress has issued interpretations of the Nationality Law that deem Hong Kong and Macau, whether before or after their return to China, not to be foreign territory.

As a result, residents of Hong Kong and Macau who would normally be deemed to be Chinese nationals (mainly residents of the two territories who are of Chinese descent) are not deemed to be settled in a foreign country, and so do not lose their Chinese citizenship by virtue of acquiring foreign nationality, whether before or after the return of those territories to China. Even if they are recognized as the national of the foreign country under that country’s laws, the dual citizenship is not recognized by China under Article 3 of the Nationality Law, except for a limited administrative exemption permitting such persons to travel to and from Hong Kong and Macau respectively using the relevant foreign country’s travel documents. As a result, Hong Kong and Macau residents can only satisfy the requirements of Article 9 if they acquire foreign nationality after becoming settled abroad. Alternatively, they can apply to renounce Chinese nationality by virtue of Article 10 of the Nationality Law. This special arrangement applies to Hong Kong and Macau residents; it does not affect the operation of Article 9 in respect of former residents who have become settled in another country and acquire foreign citizenship, as such persons have become settled in a foreign country (and are not resident in Hong Kong and Macau) at the time of legally automatic loss of Chinese citizenship under Article 9. If they return to reside in Hong Kong and Macau, they can notify the acquisition of new nationalities to their respective governments (officially known as the “declaration of change of nationality”), upon which they will be recognized as foreign, rather than Chinese, citizens.

Cote d’Ivoire

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

The Government of Cuba treats U.S. citizens born in Cuba asCuban citizens and may subject them to a range of restrictions and obligations. The Cuban government requires U.S.-Cuban dual citizens who departed Cuba on or after January 1, 1971 to enter and depart Cuba using a Cuban passport.

Cuban passports are issued to citizens of Cuba to facilitate international travel. They are valid for 6 years from the date of issuance, but have to be extended every 2 years.  The cost of issue of this passport is about US$400 (CUC 400) and US$200 for every two years if one person lives in the United States

Equatorial Guinea

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Estonian citizenship is lost, where he/she is released from or deprived of Estonian citizenship, or where he/she adopts citizenship of another state. According to law, acquiring a foreign citizenship voluntarily and entering into a military or civilian service for another state constitute forfeiture of Estonian citizenship.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Ethiopian law does not permit dual citizenship; however, the identity card allows Ethiopians who have become citizens of other countries to maintain certain privileges that are granted to citizens of Ethiopia (Ethiopia 16 Jan. 2006). These rights include entering Ethiopia without a visa, owning immovable property in Ethiopia, and being employed in Ethiopia (ibid).


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

German citizenship is automatically lost when a German citizen voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another country, except:

  1. When the German citizen acquires a nationality from within the European Union, Switzerland, or another country with which Germany has a corresponding treaty.
  2. When permission to obtain a foreign citizenship has been applied for and granted in advance of foreign naturalization. Failure to obtain so-called permit to retain German citizenship prior to naturalization results in the individual automatically losing German citizenship upon becoming a naturalized citizen of another country. A proposed law called Brexit-Übergangsgesetz  is intended to allow UK nationals who apply for German citizenship before the UK leaves the EU to retain dual nationality.  Many UK and German nationals in each country are supporting the Permanent European Union Citizenship Initiative with the objective of ensuring that Germans taking UK citizenship retain their EU citizenship.

Other cases where German citizenship can be lost include:

  • Persons acquiring German citizenship on the basis of birth in Germany (without a German parent) lose German citizenship automatically at age 23 if they have not successfully applied to retain German citizenship. If it is desired to maintain a foreign citizenship, application must be made by age 21.
  • A German citizen who voluntarily serves in a foreign army (over and above compulsory military service) from 1 January 2000 may lose German citizenship unless permission is obtained from the German government. From 6 July 2011, the permission to serve above compulsory military service is automatically given for the armies of EU, EFTA, and NATO countries and the armies of Australia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea.
  • A German child adopted by foreign parents, where the child automatically acquires the nationality of the adoptive parents under the law of the adoptive parents’ country. (For example, a German child adopted by Americans prior to 27 February 2001—the effective date of the U.S. Child Citizenship Act of 2000—would not have automatically lost German citizenship, because the child did not automatically acquire United States citizenship by virtue of having been adopted by U.S. citizens.) An exception applies where legal ties to the German parent are maintained.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Section 9(1) of the act provides that any citizen of India who by naturalisation or registration acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of India. Persons who acquire another citizenship lose Indian citizenship from the date on which they acquire that citizenship or another country’s passport.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Generally, Indonesian citizens are those natural Indonesian people and those of other nationalities that are endorsed by the law as Indonesian citizens. The Indonesian nationality law does not recognize dual citizenship except for persons under the age of 18 (single citizenship principle).


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Loss of citizenship requires the approval of the Minister of Justice.

A Japanese national is assumed to have renounced their nationality upon naturalization in any foreign country.Under the revisions made to the Nationality Law in 1985, Articles 14 and 15 require any person who holds multiple citizenship to make a “declaration of choice” between the ages of 20 and 22, in which they choose to renounce either their Japanese nationality or their foreign citizenship(s). Failure to do so entitles the Minister of Justice to demand a declaration of choice at any time. If the required declaration is not made within one month, their Japanese nationality is automatically revoked. A renunciation of foreign citizenship made before Japanese officials may be considered by a foreign state as having no legal effect as is the case with, for example, United States citizenship.

Japanese nationals who hold multiple citizenship by birth, and who do not wish to lose their Japanese citizenship, are required to declare their desire to retain Japanese citizenship by the age of 21. Part of fulfilling this requirement is to “make an effort” to renounce other citizenships once they have declared their intent to retain Japanese nationality. This may be difficult for some Japanese with foreign nationality, for example, Iranian nationals cannot renounce their Iranian nationality until age 25.

A Japanese national does not lose his or her nationality in situations where citizenship is acquired involuntarily such as when a Japanese woman marries an Iranian national. In this case she automatically acquires Iranian citizenship and is permitted to be an Iranian-Japanese dual national, since the acquisition of the Iranian citizenship was involuntary.

Though it is unknown whether it has ever happened, citizenship can also be lost if a person becomes a civil servant of a foreign government, should their role be felt to contradict what it means to be a citizen of Japan.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

In accordance with Article 20-1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan On Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the deprivation of the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is allowed only by a court decision for the commission of terrorist crimes, as well as crimes provided for in the relevant articles of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a result of which other grave harm was caused to the vital interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In accordance with the article 21 of the Republic of Kazakhstan Law “On Citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan” one can lose a citizenship in following cases:

  • as a result of entering military service, security service, police, justice authorities or other bodies of state authority and administration of another state, with the exception of cases stipulated by the interstate treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
    if the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan is acquired as a result of the submission of deliberately false information or false documents;
  • on the grounds stipulated by interstate treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • if a citizen has acquired the citizenship of another state;
  • if the marriage with a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which served as the basis for a person to acquire the citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is declared invalid by a court;
  • by voluntary will of a child who is a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, transferred for adoption to foreigners, when he reaches the age of majority;
  • due to the participation of a person in foreign armed conflicts, extremist and (or) terrorist activities on the territory of a foreign state.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

According to Lithuania embassy, A citizen of the Republic of Lithuania may be a citizen of another state at the same time, provided he meets at least one of the following conditions:

  • He has acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania and citizenship of another state at birth and he has not reached 21 years of age;
  • He is a person who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940 or his descendant (child, grandchild or great-grandchild), who were forcibly expelled from Lithuania by decisions of institutions or courts of occupation regimes in the period from 15 June 1940 to 11 March 1990 for reasons of resistance to occupation regimes, political or social reasons or reasons of origin and acquired citizenship of another state;
  • He is a person who held citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania before 15 June 1940 or his descendant (child, grandchild or great-grandchild), who left the current territory of the Republic of Lithuania before 11 March 1990 to reside permanently in another state, if their permanent residence on 11 March 1990 was outside Lithuania and acquired citizenship of another state;
  • He is a descendant of a person referred to in subparagraph 2 or 3;
  • By virtue of marriage to a citizen of another state he has ipso facto acquired citizenship of that state;
  • He is a person under 21 years of age, provided he was adopted by citizens (citizen) of the Republic of Lithuania before reaching 18 years of age and, as a result of the adoption, acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania pursuant;
  • He is a person under 21 years of age, provided he, being a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania, was adopted by citizens (citizen) of another state before reaching 18 years of age and, as a result of the adoption, acquired citizenship of that state;
  • He has acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania by way of exception while being a citizen of another state;
  • He has acquired citizenship of the Republic of Lithuania while having refugee status in the Republic of Lithuania.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

A Monégasque citizen automatically forfeits his/her citizenship if he/she:

  • acquires a foreign nationality
  • performs foreign military service without the prior authorisation of the government of Monaco
  • is deemed to have “harmed the internal or external security” of Monaco

A Monégasque citizen may voluntarily renounce his citizenship.

Former Monégasque citizens may restore their former citizenship if their request on stamped paper directly to the Prince is successful.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Dual nationality is not permitted under Nepal law. Nepalese authorities have confirmed, as recently as November 2006, that “there is a total prohibition on dual nationality in Nepal” according to the Nepal Citizenship Act 2006.

Section 10(1) of the act provides that the Nepalese citizenship of “any” Nepalese citizen shall automatically lapse on his acquiring the citizenship of any foreign country. Any citizen of Nepal who by naturalization, registration or by any other act acquires a foreign nationality, immediately ceases to be a citizen of Nepal irrespective of whether they are an adult or minor.

Section 10(4) of the act provides that any Nepalese person who by birth is deemed a citizen of a foreign country and has a claim to citizenship of Nepal jus sanguinis (by blood) must choose a citizenship between sixteen and eighteen years of age. If he fails to do so, his claim to Nepalese citizenship shall automatically lapse on his eighteenth birthday.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country, and the origin country is Party to Chapter 1 of the Strasbourg Convention, as well to the Second Protocol.

As a rule, you will lose your Dutch nationality if you voluntarily acquire another nationality. There are three exceptions to this:

  1. You were born in the country whose nationality you have acquired and that country was your principal country of residence when you acquired its nationality.
  2. As a minor, your principal country of residence for an uninterrupted period of at least five years was the country whose nationality you have now acquired.
  3. You have acquired your spouse’s or registered partner’s nationality.

These three exceptions do not apply if you acquire Norwegian or Austrian nationality, however. In such cases, Dutch nationals will always lose their Dutch nationality due to a treaty with those countries.

You will also lose your Dutch nationality if:

  • after turning 18, you live outside the Netherlands, Aruba, Curaçao, St Maarten or the European Union for longer than 10 years;
  • you hold another nationality during that 10-year period.

In case of minors, if the father or mother loses their Dutch nationality, the child loses their Dutch nationality too.

North Korea

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

The government of North Korea does not recognize dual nationality. However, North Korean citizens who flee to South Korea automatically become South Korean citizens. Also, North Korean citizens who defect to South Korea and become South Korean citizens are not allowed to return to North Korea without special permission and approval from the South Korean government.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country, and the origin country is Party to Chapter 1 of the Strasbourg Convention.

Norwegian parliament approved dual citizenship in 2018


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Exception: The Government of Pakistan has dual nationality arrangements with following 19 countries.

1 United Kingdom 10 Egypt
2 France 11 Jordan
3 Italy 12 Syria
4 Belgium 13 Switzerland
5 Iceland 14 Netherland
6 Australia 15 United States of America
7 New Zealand 16 Sweden
8 Canada 17 Ireland
9 Finland 18 Bahrain
19 Denmark

Papua New Guinea

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Slovakia allows its citizens to hold foreign citizenship in addition to their Slovak citizenship.

A citizen of the Slovak Republic automatically loses Slovak citizenship the day he explicitly manifested his will (i.e. by means of an application, declaration or other act leading to acquisition of a foreign citizenship) to voluntarily acquire a foreign citizenship.

A citizen of the Slovak Republic who acquires a foreign citizenship in such way is obliged to notify of this fact the District Office in the region according to his permanent residence in Slovakia, without delay. In case of not complying with this obligation you may face a fine of up to 3319 EUR.

The following cases shall not lead to loss of Slovak citizenship.

  • If a Slovak citizen acquires foreign citizenship in connection with conclusion of marriage with a foreign citizen. However this only applies in case the foreign citizenship was acquired while the marriage still lasts.
  • If a child acquires foreign citizenship at birth.
  • If a Slovak citizen acquires foreign citizenship before July 17th 2010.

Solomon Islands

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

South Africa

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

The South African Citizenship Act allows dual citizenship but only with prior permission to the acquisition of a foreign citizenship. South African citizens who does not obtain this prior permission they will automatically lose their South African citizenship on voluntary acquisition of a foreign citizenship.

According to South Africa Embassy, the following are the important dual citizenship rules for south africans..

  • South African citizens under the age of 18 years are exempt and do not require to apply for dual citizenship, as long as they acquire the foreign citizenship before their 18th birthday.
  • South African dual citizens can use his or her foreign passport/citizenship/nationality freely outside South Africa.
  • South African citizens by birth, who automatically lost their South African citizenship, never lose their right to Permanent Residence in South Africa. Should they permanently return to South Africa, they will be able to apply for the resumption of their South African citizenship from within the Country.
  • It is an offense for a South African citizens with dual citizenship to enter or depart the Republic of South Africa making use of the passport of another country.

South Korea

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

In 2010, the South Korean government legalized dual citizenship for some South Koreans who have acquired another nationality/citizenship, as well as foreigners who lived in South Korea for five years.

Nationality Act Article 15

(Loss of nationality caused by gaining of foreign nationality)

·   Korean nationals that voluntarily acquired foreign nationality must forfeit Korean nationality at the time of the acquisition.

·   Korean nationals that belong to the following (but did not voluntarily gain foreign nationality), must declare willingness to maintain Korean nationality within 6 months from acquiring such foreign nationality. Failure to do so will result in loss of their Korean nationality. 
– Those that married a foreigner and gained the nationality of the spouse
– Those that were adopted and gained the nationality of their foster parent.
– Those that gained the nationality of foreign parent through his/her recognition 
– Spouse or children (minor) of those that gained a foreign nationality and lost Korean nationality that gained foreign nationality by extension, under the laws of the foreign country.

· Those that lost Korean nationality due to acquiring a foreign one, but does not know the exact date of acquisition, it will be defined as the date a foreign passport is issued to them.

·         Those born as Korean nationals that voluntarily acquire foreign nationality through naturalization or other means of gaining foreign nationality will automatically forfeit Korean nationality upon said acquisition.

·         If acquisition of foreign nationality was involuntary, they must report their willingness to maintain Korean nationality within 6 months of the said acquisition. Otherwise, they will automatically be considered to have lost their Koran nationality on the day of the acquisition of foreign nationality.
– Those that do declare their willingness to maintain Korean nationality within six months of acquiring foreign nationality will then be eligible for application of nationality choice system as dual nationality holder.

·   Dual nationality holders that do not choose Korean nationality within the assigned period will forfeit their Korean nationality.

·   Foreigners that acquire Korean nationality through naturalization or reinstatement of Korean nationality will forfeit it if they do not give up their original nationality within six months from the acquisition of Korean nationality.

Reporting the loss of nationality is possible in overseas Korean Embassies / consulates.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Spanish nationality can be lost under the following circumstances:

  • Those individuals of 18 years of age or more whose residence is not Spain and who acquire voluntarily another nationality, or who use exclusively another nationality which was conferred to them prior to their age of emancipation lose Spanish nationality. In this case, loss of nationality occurs three years after the acquisition of the foreign nationality or emancipation only if the individual does not declare their will to retain Spanish nationality. The exception to this are those Spaniards by origin who acquire the nationality of an Iberoamerican country, Andorra, Philippines, Equatorial Guinea or Portugal;
  • Those Spanish nationals that expressly renounce Spanish nationality if they also possess another nationality and reside outside Spain will lose Spanish nationality;
  • Those minors born outside Spain that have acquired Spanish citizenship being children of Spanish nationals that were also born outside Spain, and if the laws of the country in which they live grant them another nationality, will lose Spanish nationality if they do not declare their will to retain it within three years after their 18th birthday or the date of their emancipation.

Spanish nationality is not lost as described above if Spain is at war.

In addition, Spaniards “not by origin”, will lose their nationality if:

  • they use exclusively for a period of three years their previous nationality—with the exception of the nationality of those countries with which Spain has signed an agreement of dual nationality;
  • they participate voluntarily in the army of a foreign country, or serve in public office in a foreign government, against the specific prohibition of the Spanish Government;
  • they had lied or committed fraud when they applied for Spanish nationality.

People who lose Spanish nationality can recover it if they become legal residents in Spain. Emigrants and their children are not required to return to Spain to recover their Spanish nationality. (Since the nationality law automatically grants Spanish nationality to people born of a Spanish parent, a person born outside Spain to a parent of Spanish birth and nationality who uses the citizenship of the other country exclusively since birth is said to “recover” their Spanish nationality should they apply for it).

Sri Lanka

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Dual citizenship is granted in terms of the provisions of Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 as amended by Act No. 45 of 1987.

1. Section 19 (2) of the said Act makes provisions in respect of a person whose citizenship of Sri Lanka has ceased due to obtaining of citizenship in another country and who thereafter desires to resume the status of a citizen of Sri Lanka.

2. Section 19 (3) of the said Act makes provisions in respect of a person who, having a desire to obtain the citizenship in another country, intends to retain the citizenship of Sri Lanka.

3. A request under 1 and 2 above can be made to the Minister-in-charge of the subject. When the Minister-in-charge is satisfied that granting the request would be of benefit to Sri Lanka, dual citizenship will be granted.

An applicant who satisfies any one of the following criteria can apply for dual citizenship:

1. An applicant who exceeds the age of 55 years.

2. An applicant who possesses the required academic or professional qualifications – an educational qualification of minimum one year diploma or higher or any professional qualification.

3.  An applicant who owns immovable property/assets in Sri Lanka worth Rs. 2.5 million or above.

4.  An applicant who has a fixed deposit of Rs. 2.5 million or above for a 03 year period in any of the Commercial banks approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL).

5.  An applicant who has a fixed deposit of USD 25,000/- or above for a 03 year period under NRFC/RFC/SFIDA Accounts, in any of commercial banks approved by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) in Sri Lanka.

6.  An applicant who has invested USD 25,000/- above for 03 years under Treasury bonds (TB)      or Security Investment Accounts (SIA).

7. The spouse of the applicant or UNMARRIED CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 22 YEARS OF THE APPLICANT. A spouse eligible under this provision shall be limited to a person whose citizenship of Sri Lanka has ceased under Sections 19, 20 or 21 of the Citizenship Act No. 18 of 1948 or a person whose citizenship is likely to cease.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.



Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.


Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

Trinidad and Tobago

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Automatic loss of citizenship of origin country.



This list is not updated frequently and dual citizenship laws change frequently time to time

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Prabhu Balakrishnan

Founder and CEO of Best Citizenships

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